Q. What is Hacking?
Hacking is the art or technique of finding and
exploiting a security loophole in an infrastructure like
a website, a software, a computer, or even a human being, and the artist is
called a hacker.
Q. What does loopholes
in a system mean?
In technical terms, a loophole can be referred
to a part of a system which is not properly defined or secured and hence can be
exploited to cause unintended things in the system.
Q. What is Unethical Hacking?
When a hacker uses his knowledge to steal from
or cause damage to other people, it is known as Unethical Hacking. Like
stealing, unethical hacking is also a crime and if caught, the thief will be
arrested and would be tried in court.
Q. What is Ethical Hacking?
When the hacker helps organisations or
individuals with finding security loopholes and fixing them with their
permission, it is referred to as ethical hacking. And this is legal because you
take permission from the system owner and your motive is not to cause harm or
steal, but to secure the system.
Q. What is considered a cyber crime according
to Indian Judiciary system?
The Indian Cyber Laws and the Indian IT act
classifies cybercrimes into 2 broad categories. An activity is considered a
cyber crime if
1. A computer is being used to attack other
computers. For example: hacking, virus/worm attacks, DOS attacks, etc.
2. A computer is being used as a weapon to
commit real world crimes. For example: cyber terrorism, IPR violations, credit
card frauds, EFT frauds, pornography, etc.
This basically means that unlawful use of any
computer/device is considered a Cyber Crime.
For Windows users:
- Press
windows+r to open the Run dialog box.
- Type
cmd and press enter.
- Type
nslookup, space, the domain name that you want to see the IP address for,
example: google.com, and press enter.
This will give you the most recent IP addresses of Google.
HTTP: HTTP stands for
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and it is used to transfer hyper text, which means
web pages.
HTTPS: This is the secure version of HTTP, where s
stands for secured and is used to transfer web pages in a secured way. Most
websites that we visit, like internshala, amazon, google, etc., use HTTPS and
not HTTP.
The fact that it is secured means that all
communications between your browser and the website you are connected to, will
be encrypted.
You can see this in the address bar located at
the top of the browser.
FTP: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is
used while transferring files.
SMTP: SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
and as the name suggests, it is used to send emails from one device to another.
But when you open gmail, or compose and send an email, does your address bar
show SMTP, or HTTPS. Well, try it and find out for yourself, and lookout for
the reason somewhere in this topic.
Telnet: This protocol is used to remotely run system
commands on the server.
SSH: SSH is Secure Shell and is like a secure or
encrypted version of Telnet.
VOIP: This stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol
and is used for making a voice call over the internet.
OSI Model
So, we have seen the TCP/IP Model. Actually this
was a derived model and is used today. But the original model on which the
TCP/IP model was based, is called the OSI Model. This model has 7 layers,
instead of 4 that we see in the TCP/IP model. The essential overall function of
both the models remains the same, just that in the OSI model their work has
been split into 7 layers.
Now let us look at the function of each layer
of the OSI model in detail.
So, just like in the TCP/IP model, the data in
the OSI model also passes from layer 7 to layer 1 at the sender’s end and from
layer 1 to layer 7 at the receiver’s end.
Layer- This layer
provides an interactive interface for the user to enter and view data. One can
give inputs in the form of text, audio, images, files, etc. The browser makes
up the application layer.
Layer- After the
application layer, the data passes to the presentation layer. This is where the
data is converted into computer friendly format,
i.e in binary code. So, the presentation layer encodes the input, compresses
it, and encrypts it if required. Then the data is sent to the next layer.
Layer- This layer
initiates a connection and creates a session, so
that some context can be provided to the communication between the two devices.
Layer- This layer
establishes an application level connectivity. For this, it attaches the source
and destination port numbers.
It also performs the task of error control,
which means that it makes a checklist, so
that it can be cross checked at the receiving end to ensure that all
the data is transferred properly and not destroyed on the way. These checklists
are known as checksums.
Layer- At the network
layer, the source and destination IP addresses are attached, for the purpose of
identification of devices, and to decide the virtual path that needs to be
taken by the data packet. So, we can say that this layer does network level
routing and pathing of packets.
Link Layer- This layer
attaches the source and destination MAC addresses, which are used to identify
the hardware of the device. It also calculates checksums for error checking of
the metadata that has been attached at all the previous layers, and also to
manage the flow of data.
Layer- This is where the
data is converted to hardware friendly signals, like radio signals, light
signals, or electric signals, depending on the hardware that is being used for
data transfer.
This is the order in which the data passes at
the sender’s end. At the receiver’s end, the order of the layers is reversed.
Uses of proxy servers:
1. Obscure their IP
2. Avoid surveillance
3. Bypass browsing restrictions
4. Access resources as from a different
1. Monitoring web traffic
2. Troubleshooting web applications
1. To block malicious traffic
2. To balance overflowing traffic
Here are some key pieces of information that a security expert usually
gathers about a website:
1. Related domains and subdomains
2. Technology and programming languages being used
3. Cached pages
4. Website history
5. Publically indexed files on search engines
6. Default pages and login forms
7. Related IP addresses
8. Other services running on those IP addresses
9. Version of the services/softwares being used
10. Publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in the softwares being used
11. Default users
12. Default passwords
13. Valid email address and usernames
Gathering targeted information about people
1. Name-How to find out full names and their related information:
Social media platforms
Professional platforms
2. Email- How to find out the name behind an email address:
Forgot password
Services linked to that email
Google search
3. Mobile numbers- How to find out the name behind a phone numbers:
Login and forgot password pages
Google search
Gathering targeted information about organisations
1. How to find information about an organisation:
Social media platforms
Company review services
Organisation financial analysis services
Gathering information about websites and web servers
1. Getting an idea about the technology being used by websites and web
Important sections:
Frameworks: To see the programming languages used
Hosting providers: To see where the website is hosted
Webserver: To see the server software being used
2. Going through the history of a website
To see how the website looked in the past, its features, additions and
deletions that have been made over time:
Important sections:
Go to the year you want to see
Check out screenshots taken on any day, and also see the website as it
was on that day
3. Finding out sub domains related to a domain
Important sections:
Host Records (A): To see a list of all the sub domains of any given
Gathering targeted information about people
1. Name-How to find out full names and their related
media platforms
2. Email- How to find out the name behind an email address:
linked to that email
3. Mobile numbers- How to find out the name behind a phone
and forgot password pages
Gathering targeted information about organisations
1. How to find information about an organisation:
media platforms
review services
financial analysis services
Gathering information about websites and web servers
1. Getting an idea about the technology being used by websites
and web servers:
To see the programming languages used
providers: To see where the website is hosted
To see the server software being used
2. Going through the history of a website
see how the website looked in the past, its features, additions and deletions
that have been made over time:
to the year you want to see
out screenshots taken on any day, and also see the website as it was on that
3. Finding out sub domains related to a domain
Records (A): To see a list of all the sub domains of any given domain.
Web servers can be of various types. Each one has a specific function,
and hence a specific configuration. Let us read about some of the most common
web servers.
Application Server- This server executes the main business logic
of the application. Whenever the user requests for something, the application server
runs the code written by the developer.
Database Server- A database server is a system where all the
data is stored. Whenever the user requests for some data, it is
fetched from the database server. The data is stored here in an efficient and
secure manner.
Backup Server- This server helps us create backups for files, data, etc. This is
done to prevent the loss of data in case of an unexpected failure. A backup
server can also act like the secondary server, in case the primary
server is down.
DNS Server- The Domain Name Server manages the domain names and their IP
addresses. The main function of a DNS server is to map a domain name to its
respective IP address.
Mail Server- A mail server is used for sending and receiving emails. Some of
the protocols used for this transfer are SMTP, POP, IMAP, etc. The Microsoft
Exchange Server is an example of a mail server.
Depending on the size of the web application, all these servers can be
present on one physical server or on separate servers.
Server OS- Just like every computer has an operating system, similarly the
computer that hosts the website also needs to have an OS.
Examples are Linux, Windows, IBM AIX, etc.
Server Software- We know that every website needs to address
the incoming requests of the users. This request could be for a web page in the
website, or for any other functionality that the website provides. For this,
the server needs to run the code of the website to generate a response for the
user. But, to handle all this function, the server needs a software which is
called the server software.
Examples are Apache, nginx, IIS, etc.
Programming Language- Every website has a backend
part which is basically written as lines of code, using a programming language.
So, the web server architecture includes a particular programming language that
is used to write this code.
Examples are: PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, ASP (.NET), JSP, etc.
Database Software- Every website has users and it stores the
information of these users in the database. So your login credentials, your
preferences, cart items in case of an e-commerce, or any other details that you
provide while accessing a website is stored in the database in a secure and
efficient manner. And to access this data from the database, a software is required.
This is known as the database software.
Examples are: MySQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, Casandra DB, Postgre SQL,
Front End Components- So, we know that every website
has a frontend or a user interface, which is what the user sees on the browser
while browsing through the website. So, there needs to be a front end language
to write the front ends code.
Examples are: HTML, javascript, Jquery, CSS, Bootstrap, etc.
echo $a+$b;
Output: 140
echo $a-$b;
Output: -40
echo $a*$b;
Output: 4500
echo $a/$b;
Output: 2.5
Modulus (remainder)
echo $a%$b;
Output: 1
echo $a**$b;
Output: 8
Concat (join)
echo $a.$b;
Output: 5090
You can also do complex arithmetic operations, like we do
in maths.
An example is: $a+($b+$c/($d**($a-$d)))
It follows the bodmas rule for solving the problem.
Try out all these logical operators.
Comparison Operators
Now, let us look at comparison operators.
The output for these operations is always true or false.
These are:
$a==$b (check if two values are equal)
$a>$b (more than)
$a<$b (less than)
$a>=$b (more than equal to)
$a<=$b (less than equal to)
$a!=$b (not equal)
So in the first operator ($a==$b), if the value of variable ‘a’ is not
equal to variable ‘b’, the output will be false. And if it is, the output will
be true.
The same holds true for all these comparison operators.
Logical Operators
Here is a list of some logical operators that can be used.
|| (or)
&& (and)
! (not)
Q1. Write a program for a calculator with all other operations
like add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponent, concat, modulus, triggered by
separate buttons in the form instead of a text field.
//function that display value
function dis(val)
//function that evaluates the digit and return result
function solve()
let x = document.getElementById("result").value
let y = eval(x)
document.getElementById("result").value = y
//function that clear the display
function clr()
document.getElementById("result").value = ""
<!-- for styling -->
color: black;
border: solid black 1px;
border: solid black 2px;
<!-- create table -->
<table border="1">
<td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="result"/></td>
<!-- clr() function will call clr to clear all value -->
<td colspan="2"><input type="button" value="c" onclick="clr()"/> </td>
<!-- create button and assign value to each button -->
<!-- dis("1") will call function dis to display value -->
<td><input type="button" value="1" onclick="dis('1')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="2" onclick="dis('2')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="3" onclick="dis('3')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="/" onclick="dis('/')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="%" onclick="dis('%')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="4" onclick="dis('4')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="5" onclick="dis('5')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="6" onclick="dis('6')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="-" onclick="dis('-')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="^" onclick="dis('**')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="7" onclick="dis('7')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="8" onclick="dis('8')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="9" onclick="dis('9')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="+" onclick="dis('+')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="*" onclick="dis('*')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="." onclick="dis('.')"/> </td>
<td><input type="button" value="0" onclick="dis('0')"/> </td>
<!-- solve function call function solve to evaluate value -->
<td colspan="3"><input type="button" value="=" onclick="solve()"/> </td>
Vulnerability |
Explanation |
Injection |
It allows hacker to inject server side codes or
commands. These are the flaws that allows a hacker to inject his
own codes/commands into the web server that can provide illegal access to the
data. |
Broken Authentication and Session Management |
These flaws generally arise when application functions related to
security and session management are not implemented properly, which allows
hackers to bypass authentication mechanisms. For eg. Login |
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) |
This is one of the most common flaw in which hackers injects
codes like HTML, JS directly into the web pages allowing them to deface
websites and stealing data of the users who trust these websites. |
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) |
These are the flaws that may cause severe impact as with
IDORs, the hackers get access to objects in the database that belong to other
users, which allows them to steal or even edit critical data of other users
on the website. They can either steal that information or even delete
someone’s account. |
Security Misconfigurations |
These are again one of the most common flaws as the
developers/administrators forget to securely seal an application before
making it live. Common flaws under this
vulnerability includes keeping default password, default
pages etc. |
Sensitive Data Exposure |
These type of flaws occur when websites are unable to protect
sensitive data like credit card information, passwords etc. which allows
hackers to steal this information and may cause credit card fraud or identity
theft. |
Missing Function-Level Access Controls |
These flaws occur when security implementation are not
implemented properly in applications on both User interface and server i.e.
front and back end respectively. This allows hackers to bypass security and
gain restricted access. |
Cross Site Request Forgery |
This vulnerability allows a hacker to send forged requests on behalf
of a trusted user, which allows the hacker to act on behalf of the user. For
example, telling the bank server to transfer money from X to Y on the
victim’s behalf and the bank server accepting it. |
Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities |
There are certain applications or their components that are known to
exhibit vulnerabilities. If anyone is using these applications, it becomes
easy for hackers to exploit these vulnerabilities and steal user data for eg.
using an older version of windows server can be exploited by using an exploit
code which is available online. |
Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards |
This flaw redirects users from a trusted website to a malicious
website, which allows hackers to steal sensitive user information.
For eg. if a user visits website A which he trusts but is
redirected to website X which has a malware. But as user trusts A, he ends up
trusting X. |
Q. What
are injections?
Ans. These are the vulnerabilities through
which attackers gains illegal access to the data. It allows attackers to
directly insert their commands/codes into the web server.
Q. What
is SQL?
SQL is abbreviated as Structured Query
language which is used to query data from the database. It helps in
communicating to database software to retrieve/store data from/in the
Q. What
is a database?
Databases is a part of database software in
which all the application information like user information, messages, posts
etc. are placed in a structured, easy to access and secured way. These
databases contain tables.; tables contain columns and rows and each row has
separate cells storing data against the specific column in a specific format.
Q. How
is SQL used to communicate with database software?
SQL is a language which is used inside
Server Side Programming Languages to communicate to database software in order
to Save data in databases and retrieve it later.
Q. What
are the three types of commands used in MySQL?
Definition Language (DDL):- This
command is used to define the structure of the data like how and where it would
be stored. It is used in creating databases and tables, defining the structure
of the tables and the columns. Examples include :- Create table, Alter table,
Drop table.
Manipulation Language (DML):- These
commands are used to manipulate already existing data inside a table or
insert new data (rows) inside a table. It helps to edit, delete, and create
rows. Example Commands: Insert into <table>, update table (rows) and
delete table (rows).
Query Language (DQL):- These
commands are used to Query data from the database i.e. fetch required data from
the database. It is used to fetch data from all the rows, fetch specific data,
sort data and even calculate values inside the rows. Examples: Select
<columns> from <table>, Order by <column>.
SQL CONCAT function is used to concatenate two
strings to form a single string within a single row. So while extracting
usernames and passwords, generally you do something like this (Assuming column
3 is showing the output):
For usernames:
id=1’ UNION SELECT 1,2,username,4 from
For passwords:
id=1’ UNION SELECT 1,2,password,4 from
But with concat(), you can get both in a
single column like this:
1,2,concat(username,password),4 from users--+
Note that there will be no space in between
them but you can add a dash with this:
id=1’ UNION SELECT 1,2,concat(username,’ -
’,password),4 from users--+
The GROUP_CONCAT() function in MySQL is used
to concatenate data from multiple rows into one field.
Example query:-
union select 1,group_concat(table_name),3,4
from information.schema.tables--+
Here in above query we are trying to fetch all
tables present in the database in a single query. This is very helpful when a
website is only giving one table at a time but we want to extract all tables
So far, we have learnt 3 types of SQL Injections:
1. Basic Authentication Bypass
2. GET based SQL Injections
3. POST based SQL Injections
Practicing these SQL Injection methods are
good to get you started. But there are other SQL Injection methods that you
should know of. So we will briefly explain 3 more SQL Injection methods which
you may encounter while researching or practicing.
Error Based SQL Injections:
Sometimes, we cannot exploit SQL Injection
vulnerabilities simply by using UNION command. This may be because of some
security checks in place or because of the complexity of the code. So to
perform error based SQL injections, we make websites to throw SQL errors
through which we can extract critical information. Now, different database
servers employs different approach of performing error based SQL injections as
the errors they throw are different in nature.
For better understanding, let us have a look
at the example below:
In Microsoft SQL server, there is an SQL
function called convert(), which is used to convert the second parameter to the
data type given in the first parameter.
Have a look at the syntax: convert(<data
This means, if we use convert(int,’145’), the
output will be 145.
But, what if we try to convert a value which
is not a valid data type like this convert(int,’abcd’)
As you might have expected, the server will
throw an error saying:
“Cannot convert string ‘abcd’ into an int”
So, our motive is to perform SQL injection.
This means, instead of using convert(int,’abcd) we ask the SQL server to
convert(int,db_name()). As you know, db_name() is same as database() and
suppose the database name is ‘secret_database’. If we try to convert it, the
server will throw an error saying:
“Cannot convert ‘secret_database’ into int”
Now, if a website throws a message that shows
SQL errors, this means we can definitely perform SQL injection here. Using SQL
injection, we can easily retrieve the name of the database. And once the
database name is known we can easily fetch the names of the tables, columns and
finally the data too. These SQL injections are referred to as Error based SQL
injection, where we perform SQL injections when a web application throws an SQL
Boolean Based Blind Injections:
To understand the injection, let’s fragment it
as Boolean + Blind Injections.
So, Boolean in terms of programming simply
means True or False. This means, while performing these injections, we might be
asking server to respond us as either true or false.
Now, the second part is Blind Injections or
Blind SQL injections. As the name suggests, these injections are used where we
are successfully able to fetch critical data but somehow the extracted data is
not visible on the website (hence, the name blind), which may be attributed to
how the website is build.
So, combining both these parts, in Boolean
based blind injections, we perform SQL injections by asking server True or
False questions and on the basis of the response, we can extract crucial
Let’s have a look at the example below:
Suppose, If we want to fetch name of a student
from a website, we will simply use this SQL query
Select name from students where id=121
The output will be the name of the student
against the id 121.
Now, to perform Boolean based blind
injections, we use AND operator. Have a look at the query below where we have
used boolean based blind injection to fetch the name of the student.
Select name from students where id=121 AND
As 1 equals to 1 us universally true, the
output will fetch the name of the student. So, how is this injection different
from others as we are just extracting the same information in a different way.
Well, what if we use this query instead.
Select name from students where id=121 AND
Now, 1 can never be equal to zero, this means
the output will be blank. So, in such cases boolean based blind injections
comes into play. This is how the query will look like:
Select name from students where id=121 AND
Look carefully, this time we are asking server
to tell us the first character as ‘true’ or ‘false’. If the output shows the
student name, this means the password starts from ‘a’ and we can proceed
further in a similar way to fetch the complete password and if there is no
output, it means that the password must start with some other letter. This is
how, Boolean based Blind Injections are performed.
Time Based Blind Injections:
These injections are used in those cases where
we fail to extract data either by using UNION or ERROR based SQL injections and
can neither ask a website questions as True or False. So, in order to extract
critical information, we tamper with the server response time.
Whenever a request is made to the server, it
takes some time to fetch the information and deliver it to us, this is called
as response time. Now, if we tamper with this response time, we can extract
some crucial information.
The syntax of Time based Blind injections is
similar to Boolean based blind injections. Have a look at the query for time
based blind injections.
Select name from students where id=121 AND (if
the 1st character of the password = ‘a’ then sleep for 10 seconds)--+
Here, you can see, we are asking the server to
tell us the first character of the password. If the password starts from ‘a’,
the server will sleep for 10 seconds, which means increase in response time by
10 seconds. And, if the password does not start with ‘a’, the server will take
it’s usual response time. In a similar way, we can predict the whole password.
This is how, Time based blind injections are performed.
Using this injection has lot of disadvantages.
Firstly, as you can see every time we are making a request to server, it sleeps
for 10 seconds. This means, this injection will take a lot of time. Secondly,
the response time is also dependent on the speed of the internet. If the
connection drops in between, it will increase the response time and hence will
lead to faulty results.
If a hacker finds a website where he can inject code like HTML, JS,
directly into the web pages allowing him to control how the website looks to a
user, which one of the OWASP top 10 web vulnerability is this?
Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Cross Site
Scripting (XSS)
Correct Answer: D. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross Site
Scripting is an attack where the attacker can inject some malicious script
directly into vulnerable applications. This happens when an application takes
some input from a user and then prints it in the website somewhere else (For
example: Name while user registration). During this, if the website doesn’t
block special characters, an attacker can inject HTML/JS code in the parameter
(for example name can be <h1>hacked by bulla</h1>) and when the
user visits that page where the parameter is printed on the website, the
attacker’s code gets executed in the victim’s browser.
Question 2 1 Mark
Vulnerability Assessment is where a hacker or a security expert exploits
a vulnerability and tests the damage caused by it.
Correct Answer: B. False
Assessment is a phase where a hacker or a security expert tries to find all the
vulnerabilities in a system. Whereas, Penetration Testing is where a hacker or
a security expert exploits a vulnerability and tests how much damage he can
cause using that vulnerability.
Question 3 1 Mark
A pentester found a vulnerability on a website where he can get all the
sensitive information of a user by just changing the alphanumeric user ID in
the URL. What kind of attack is this?
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)
Open Redirection
Correct Answer: C. Insecure Direct Object
References (IDOR)
IDOR is when an
application provides direct access to sensitive data of other users based on
user supplied input in a parameter. For example, let’s say for viewing your
account information, the netbanking website redirects you to the following URL:
lenabank.com/account_information.jsp?acc_no=9088765543467 Then you can try
putting a different account number in the acc_no parameter and if you get the
data of that account which belongs to someone else, it is an IDOR flaw as
acc_no (which can be edited by the user) refers directly to the account
information in the database of the bank.
Question 4 1 Mark
Given below is the sql query which is vulnerable to sql injection:
SELECT * FROM students where Id=(“$sid”) order by id; The URL is
x.com/student.php?sid=1 The sid parameter is sent to the query as shown above.
Which of the following payloads will show the student information for all the
‘ or ‘1’=’1
" or “0”=”0
or 0=0--+
None of the above
All of the above
Correct Answer: D. None of the above
In the given query,
whatever we enter will go in: id=(“HERE”) Now if you carefully notice, if we
simply put a double quote and start writing our query after a “, the injection
will happen: id=(“abcd” HERE”) As you can see we are still inside the brackets
and we will have to close them too hence the correct payload will be: abcd”) or
(“1”)=(“1 With this the query will become: id=(“abcd”) or (“1”)=(“1”).
Question 5 1 Mark
In order to do UNION based injections, which of the following conditions
should be true?
Number of columns selected in the first select query should be same as
number of tables selected in the second query
Number of tables selected in the first select query should be same as
number of columns selected in the second query
Number of tables selected in the first select query should be same as
number of tables selected in the second query
Number of columns
selected in the first select query should be same as number of columns selected
in the second query
Correct Answer: D. Number of columns selected in
the first select query should be same as number of columns selected in the
second query
In Union based
injections the number of columns selected in the first select query should be
same as the number of columns selected in the second query. If they are not, it
would throw an error.
Question 6 1 Mark
The Content-Type Header in an HTTP request tells about which of the
The length of the data we are sending
The type of information we are sending to the server
The type of information we are expecting back from the server
The type of
encoding in which we are sending the data
Correct Answer: B. The type of information we
are sending to the server
In an HTTP request
the Content-Type header tells the server the type of information we are sending
it. Ex: Content-Type: application/jpeg tells the server that an image has been
sent. Content-Type: application/pdf tells the server that a pdf file has been
Question 7 1 Mark
In SQLmap we want to check if the DBMS current user is the Administrator
of the database. Which of the the following switched will be used for this?
None of the above
Correct Answer: A. --is-dba
In order to check
if the current user of the database has the admin privileges we use the
--is-dba switch. This is extremely helpful since if sqlmap confirms this to be
true, the attacker can dump data from all databases on the server and also gain
further access to the server using the --os-shell option.
Question 8 1 Mark
Which of the following HTTP response codes correspond to the “Page Moved
to a different location” category?
Correct Answer: B. 300
The 300 series of
HTTP response codes tells the browser that the page being requested has been
moved to a different location (permanently or temporarily). Also, when a 300
response code is generated by the server (for example 301, 302), it also sens
another header by the name “Location: ” followed by the new location of the
page being requested. So for example, if you request for x.com/abcd.php and the
response is 302 Moved, Location: xyz.php, your browser will redirect you to
Question 9 1 Mark
Which of the following is not a valid HTTP method?
None of the above
Correct Answer: E. None of the above
All of the above
mentioned methods are valid HTTP methods. GET is used to send data via URL
parameters, POST is used to send it via headers, PUT is used to upload files
and DELETE is used to delete files on the server.
Question 10 1 Mark
You are using SQLmap to dump the columns “username” and “password” from
the “users_tbl” table in the “main_db” database. What command will be used for
doing this?
Sqlmap.py -u “url…” -p “parameter…” --tables=”users_tbl”
--columns=”username” --column=”password” --database=”main_db”
Sqlmap.py -u “url…” -p “parameter…” -T ”users_tbl” -C ”username” -C
”password” -D ”main_db”
Sqlmap.py -u “url…” -p “parameter…” -T ”users_tbl” -C
”username,password” --dbs ”main_db”
Sqlmap.py -u “url…” -p “parameter…” -T ”users_tbl” -C
”username,password” --dbs ”main_db” --dump
None of the above
Correct Answer: E. None of the above
To specify the
table to attack, the -T “table name” is used and to specify the column -C
“column name” is used (separated by commas). To specify the database -D
“database name” is used. Finally to dump the data from these specifications,
the --dump switch is used. So the correct command becomes: Sqlmap.py -u “url…”
-p “parameter…” -T ”users_tbl” -C ”username,password” -D ”main_db” --dump
Question 11 1 Mark
In SQLmap, to get the column names in the “transactions” table in the
“banking_db” database, which of the following switches will be used?
-C -T “transactions” -D “banking_db”
-C --tables “transactions” -dbs “banking_db”
--columns -T “transactions” -D “banking_db”
--columns -T
“transactions” -D “banking_db” --dump
Correct Answer: C. --columns -T “transactions”
-D “banking_db”
-C is used to
specify columns to attack but when we want to get the column names, we use
--columns. Similarly --tables is used to get table names and --dbs is used to
get the database names. To specify from which table, columns are to be fetched,
we use --columns -T “transactions” telling sqlmap to get columns from the
transactions table. Similarly to get tables in “banking_db” database: --tables
-D “ banking_db”. We do not use --dump when we only need the names of the
columns, tables or databases. So the correct switches will be: --columns -T
“transactions” -D “banking_db” which is telling sqlmap to dump the columns
(--columns) from the transactions table (-T “transactions”) in the banking_db
database( -D “banking_db”).
Question 12 1 Mark
To test SQL injection in a shopping application, you apply a single
quote in the “catid” parameter in the URL:
x.com/products.php?catid=1’&prodid=9 The page throws a PHP error saying
there is an issue at line 27. Which of the following injections you CANNOT do?
Union Based injection
Boolean Based Injection
Error Based Injection
Time Based
Correct Answer: C. Error Based Injection
To perform Error
based injection, the website must be throwing exact SQL errors and not custom
errors like PHP error, Page not found, internal server error etc. Why? Because
in Error based injection, we extract juicy data via creating SQL errors. In
this case, upon applying a ‘ we are not getting an sql error like “Unclosed
quotation mark ‘ “ (MSSQL) or “You have an SQL syntax error at…..” (MySQL).
Instead we get a PHP error. This means that even if we are able to inject juicy
data in SQL errors, as the website is showing us only the PHP errors, we won’t
be able to see the data.
Question 13 1 Mark
To test for __________ sql injection we first ask the website to
evaluate a true condition (and 1=1) and then a false condition (and 1=0). If
the website responds differently to true and false with respect to the response
length being 10000 when we ask a true question and 259 when we ask a false
question, we can then use that information to ask things we don’t know about
like if the length of the database name is 6 (and length(database())=6). If the
response length is 10000, we would know that the length is indeed 6 else we can
try a different length.
Union Based injection
Boolean Based Injection
Error Based Injection
Time Based
Correct Answer: B. Boolean Based Injection
This is an example
of boolean based injection. Boolean means true/false. This technique is useful
to extract information during SQL injection when Union and Error Based
injections fail.
Question 14 1 Mark
Which of the following places should you test an SQL injection for?
GET parameters like a,b,c in x.php?a=123&b=bulla&c=u8hqi9
HTTP headers like User-Agent: Mozilla Firefox 30.0, windows NT 10.0….
Cookies like login in Cookie:PHPSESSID=9128371209ijsaiuc89b;login=admin
In the URL even if there are no parameters like http://securesite.com/user/bulla
All of the above
Correct Answer: E. All of the above
Anything in an HTTP
request that you think might be getting stored in the database (like the
useragent, post parameters, etc.) or being used to fetch some data from the
database (GET parameters, Cookies, additional http headers, URL etc), you must
put ‘, “ etc. there and check the response to see if it changes. You can also
use the * operator in the HTTP request .txt file and run sqlmap using -r option
to test at all places where there is an *. Wherever there is SQL, there can be
SQL injection too so don’t miss anything, test every parameter, header, cookie,
etc. in every unique request.
Question 15 1 Mark
In SQL map if we want to keep changing the user agent, which of the
following switches will we use?
None of the above
Correct Answer: C. --random-agent
From the SQLmap
help: --random-agent : Keep changing the User Agent - Helps in bypassing
firewalls Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS).
Question 16 1 Mark
In Burp Suite if we want to see the GUI view of the response, which of
the following tabs will be used?
Correct Answer: D. Render
Render is used to
see the GUI view of the response though most javascript and css does not get
executed here. All you can do with this one is to get a rough idea of what
“text” would be displayed on the website.
Question 17 1 Mark
Cookies are basically text files that a website puts in the browser to
uniquely identify us.
Correct Answer: A. True
Cookies are
basically text files that a website puts in the browser to uniquely identify
us, maintain our login states and show relevant content. Cookies contain a
key-value pair which we can use along with --cookie switch in SQLmap. These
cookies can be found in the Cookie Header of the HTTP request.
Question 18 1 Mark
select name from products where id=15 AND (if the 1st character of the
password = ‘a’ then sleep for 10 seconds)--+. This is a syntax for which of the
following injections?
Error based injections
Time based injections
Boolean based injections
Union based
Correct Answer: B. Time based injections
These injections
are used in those cases where we fail to extract data either by using UNION or
ERROR based SQL injections and can not even ask a website questions like True
or False. So, in order to extract critical information, we tamper with the
server response time. Whenever a request is made to the server, it takes some
time to fetch the information and deliver it to us, this is known as response
time. Now, if we tamper with this response time, we can extract some crucial
Question 19 1 Mark
There is a flaw where an application doesn’t handle sensitive data such
has passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information securely
enough and allows the attacker to steal them while they are being used. What is
the name used for this vulnerability?
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)
Broken Authentication and Session Management
Missing Function-Level Access Controls
Sensitive Data
Correct Answer: D. Sensitive Data Exposure
Sensitive Data
Exposure: This is a flaw where an application doesn’t handle sensitive data
such has passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information securely
enough and allows the attacker to steal them while they are being used.
Question 20 1 Mark
Broken Authentication and Session Management flaws are the ones which
allow the hacker to inject his own code/commands on the web server.
Correct Answer: B. False
Authentication and Session Management flaws are the ones which allow attackers
to bypass authentication mechanisms like Logins and Sessions whereas Injection
flaws are the ones that may allow a hacker to inject his own code/commands
right on the web server.
B374K mini Shell Install Link:
Question 1 1 Mark
When input validation and filtering occurs
at the browser using language like JavaScript, it is called _____________.
Client side
Server side
Correct Answer: A. Client side filters
In server side filters, when a request is
sent to the server, the server has certain code that checks the values of
various parameters to see things like are they in the correct format, have the
correct value, user is allowed to use that value, etc. and after all the
validation returns success, further processing is done. This protects the
applications from all kinds of attacks. Client side filtering occurs at the
browser’s end and hence JavaScript is used to do it. This is good for user
experience as the validation occurs instantly but is insecure for the
application as an attacker can bypass them using proxies.
Question 2 1 Mark
Uploading an image in jpg format when the
page says upload GIF, writing alphabets in the phone number field, disabled
buttons, and non editable fields, are some examples of web application filters.
Correct Answer: A. True
While filling a registration form where you
are supposed to enter an email address, if you don’t enter an ‘@’, it gives you
an error. Writing alphabets in the phone number field, uploading an image in
jpg format when the page says upload GIF, when your name must not be more than
10 characters and disabled buttons are some examples of web application filters
that we encounter daily. When they are implemented in the browser, an attacker
can simply intercept the validated request using Burp or OWASP ZAP and put the
malicious value like a PHP file instead of a JPG file but if the server side is
also making sure that file is a .jpg file, it becomes secure, hence called
server side filters.
Question 3 1 Mark
Luke tried to order food online during the
testing of a web application. At the checkout page he tried to tamper with the
price of the item by intercepting the request .He noticed that there is a
parameter: price=300 and changed it to price=100 and forwarded the request. The
bank page showed him to pay Rs. 100. He did it and the order got placed
successfully. Luke was hence able to purchase the item for lesser amount than
the original one. The above case is an example of which of the following
Server side
Client side
server side checks/filters
Correct Answer: C. Improper/missing server side checks/filters
This is an example of improper server side
check. If the website would have cross checked the price of the product from
its database and compared it with the price coming from the user, it would have
been able to prevent the hack.
Question 4 1 Mark
IDOR occurs when an application provides
access to data, based on the user supplied input without proper validation
Correct Answer: A. True
When an application provides direct access
to objects based on user supplied input without proper validation it is called
IDOR (Insecure Direct Object References).
Question 5 1 Mark
Which of the following can be the impact of
an IDOR vulnerability?
Access private
data of other users like name, contact number and address
Change or
delete another user’s data
Carrying out
transactions using someone else’s account
All of the
None of the
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
An IDOR occurs when any user controlled
input controls a direct object in the application. Some examples of IDOR are:
If an attacker can use the userid in a GET request to get any user’s data, or
when an attacker changes his email id and he changes account_id parameter of
another user thus changing victim’s email id, or an attacker can initiate a
mobile recharge by changing from_acc_no to victim’s account number resulting in
balance deducting from the victim’s account.
Question 6 1 Mark
If an attack requires different inputs to
be inserted in multiple places within the request (e.g. when guessing
credentials, a username in one parameter, and a password in another parameter)
then which of the following burp intruder attack types will be used?
Cluster Bomb
Battering Ram
Pitch Fork
Correct Answer: A. Cluster Bomb
Cluster bomb uses multiple payload sets.
There is a different payload set in each position. It is used when an attack
requires different and unrelated or unknown inputs to be inserted in multiple places
within the request e.g. when guessing credentials.
Question 7 1 Mark
We use sniper burp intruder attack type
when we need to send a single set of values to 1 or more number of injection
points in a request.
Correct Answer: A. True
Sniper uses a single set of payloads no
matter now many points you inject at. For example if you want to guess only
passwords, then in the password value you put an injection point and then put
all possible passwords in the payload set. But if you want to try users whose
usernames and passwords are the same, then also you can use sniper as sniper
attack has only one set of values. So both username and password values will be
the same.
Question 8 1 Mark
In burp suite, the _____________ payload
type lets you try all possible alphabets and numbers upto 5 characters.
Brute Forcer
Null Payloads
Number format
Correct Answer: A. Brute Forcer
The bruteforcer payload type has 3
important options. 1st is the list of characters you want to try example
abcdefgABCDEFG123. 2nd is the minimum length and 3rd is the maximum length. So
if we set minimum length to 2 and maximum length to 3, we will get values like
aa2, a2D, ggg, 312 etc. Similarly for the case above, we can set the minimum
and maximum length both to 5. Hence the bruteforcer is helpful in guessing
small passwords and exploiting IDORs with alphanumerics in them.
Question 9 1 Mark
In burp suite, the _____________ payload
type lets you make username combinations for a given name by using common
username patterns.
Brute Forcer
Number format
None of the
Correct Answer: B. Username Generator
Username generator lets you configure a
list of names and provides a probability of potential usernames. For example if
we submit a user with the name: “john wick” ..we get the following results:
john.wick, wickjohn, jwick, johnw, etc. This can be very helpful for guessing
Question 10 1 Mark
What is a web shell?
A malicious
admin panel uploaded by the attacker to gain access to the server and files on
A backdoor
uploaded by a hacker to have permanent access to a website
A malware that
can be used to destroy a website
A code that
can be used to execute system commands on the server
All of the
Correct Answer: E. All of the above
All are properties of a web shell.
Question 11 1 Mark
Which of these functions in PHP is used to execute
windows or Linux commands directly and print the response?
none of the
Correct Answer: A. system
System function in PHP is used to execute
windows or Linux commands directly and print the response. While the ‘whoami’
command is used to show the current user like administrator, guest, root, etc.
and echo function prints any value that is inside it.
Question 12 1 Mark
Aman is trying to upload a php file with
the following code in shell.php using arbitrary file upload vulnerability in
the image upload option of a website.
If he then
visits shell.php?cmd=ANY_COMMAND will the command get executed?
Correct Answer: B. No
The above shell will execute the whoami
command only: system(‘whoami’). If you want to execute arbitrary commands using
the GET parameter cmd like given, then the following line can be used:
Question 13 1 Mark
When downloading the order receipt from a
shopping website, you realise that a POST request is sent to download.php with
a POST parameter rcpt_hash=9f7ad455c3e79087. Can IDOR be tested over here?
Correct Answer: A. Yes
Even if a website uses long and complex
tokens to fetch data from the database, IDOR can still be tested. How? By
placing another order from a different test account B and generating a receipt
from that will give you another rcpt_hash value of a valid order. If you try to
download the receipt of account B after logging in into account A and the
receipt gets downloaded, the it still is an IDOR.
Question 14 1 Mark
In the previous scenario, an attacker uses
burp suite to generate 1 Million possibilities of rcpt_hash containing 16 characters
with numbers, and small alphabets between a-f. He then tries all million
combinations taking him a few hours in total and is able to find 10,000 valid
rcpt_hash values returning receipts of other users. Which vulnerability is
Rate Limiting
Information Disclosure
Correct Answer: B. Rate Limiting Flaw
This is a clear example of an IDOR but is
much more dangerous due to a rate limiting flaw. In a secure scenario, a
website should never allow so many requests from a single user in such a small
time and this should result in IP address blacklisting. This would help in
slowing down the attacker.
Question 15 1 Mark
A web shell can be written in which of the
following languages?
All of the
None of the
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
Depending what kind of a website it is, the
attacker can write (or reuse) web shells written for that particular kind of
server architecture, OS and programming language. It can be a PHP shell for a
website using windows OS and PHP language, a JSP shell for a website using
Linux server and Apache Tomcat server software and an ASP shell for a website
running on Windows server 2003 and made with ASP.NET programming language.
Based on what kind of files a server executes, the attacker has to upload the
shell accordingly.
Question 16 1 Mark
Which of these vulnerabilities can an
attacker use to make a victim visit a malicious website even when he clicks on
a link to a website he trusts?
Cross Site
Request Forgery
Direct Object Reference
All of the
None of the
Correct Answer: C. Open Redirection
Open Redirection is a vulnerability that
occurs in the following situation: Website has a URL x.com/somthing.php?redirect_url=/checkout.php
Here whatever value rediret_url GET variable has, x.com redirects to that page.
In this case x.com/checkout.php. Now as a user can control this GET parameter
by editing the URL, an attacker can misuse this by creating a hyperlink with
the following url: x.com/somthing.php?redirect_url=http://hacker.com/trojan.exe
Now the attacker can send this link to a victim who trusts x.com but when he
clicks on the above link on x.com, he gets redirected to hacker.com containing
a Trojan. This flaw is called open redirection flaw.
So, in the previous module, we looked at some server side attacks. These
attacks are used to attack the server or to take complete control of the
server. It is important to know server side languages like PHP and sql to carry
out these attacks, or to prevent them.
However, in this module, we will look at the client side attacks. These attacks
are used to cause harm to the users of a web application directly.
So, by carrying out these attacks, the hacker can directly attack the browser
of the victim. To understand these attacks, we need to know client side
languages like HTML and Javascript.
To understand client side attacks, let us first understand how a web browser
We know that when we open a website, let’s say internshala, an HTTP request is
sent to the server. The server then processes this request and sends back an
HTTP response to our browser. Now, this HTTP response is parsed by our browser
and displayed to us.
But, this HTTP response contains something called HTTP headers. These headers
are the metadata that is not shown to us.
But, if we analyse these response headers, we can learn a lot about the way
HTTP responses work.
Now usually the http response headers are very lengthy, and we are not going to
look at each and every line.
We will mainly look at 3 important HTTP response headers.
The first line of the header, that tells us about the nature of the response.
The set-cookie header.
Content length header.
We will look at each one of these.
Let’s start with the first line of the response header.
So, this is a sample HTTP response captured by BurpSuite.
If we look at the first line of this response, it says, HTTP/1.1
200 OK.
We have seen this response many times in the previous module. The 200 response
means that everything is okay.
Now, this is just one type of response. There are a few more important
responses that we must know about.
30X: A response in the 300 range is used to signify redirection. For example,
if you requested for page 1, but are being redirected to page 2. In this case,
the response will say, “301 Moved Permanently to Location: page2”.
40X: These responses depict errors that occur due to the user’s fault. The most
common response we have all come across is 404:Not Found error. We get this
response when the page we have requested for does not exist.
Another example is the 403: Forbidden response. This comes when you request for
a page that you are not supposed to visit.
50X: These responses occur when there has been some error on the server side.
For example, if a website is not able to connect to its database due to some
server side code error, you might see 500 internal server error.
So, these were some important responses sent in headers.
You must remember these ranges and their meaning well, since by looking at this
we can get an idea of what kind of response the server wants to give us.
Now, after the first line of the response headers, we see some standard HTTP
response headers. These headers basically tell the browser about the response
and how to handle it. They are like the configuration settings sent by a web
server to be stored in the browser for later usage.
In these settings, you may choose to study about some of them in detail. These
include the Content Security Policy, Referrer Policy, Allow Origin, X-powered-by,
etc. We will not be covering these in our topic, but you can read more about
them online.
Client Side Attack:
<Html>--- Root element
--- Parent element of title & child of <html>
----- Child of <head>
--- parent of <p> and <h1> and child of <HTML>
1. onclick and ondblclick: In this case the eventhandler
listens to a “click” event. If any user clicks on the web page, this event
listener will get triggered and will show an alert.
<button name="test_button" onclick="alert('clicked!')"
ondblclick="alert('double clicked!')">Click me!</button>
2. Iframe onload: Another very common event listener is ‘onload’,
which simply gets triggered when some element (image, body, iframe, video etc.
has finished loading.
<iframe src="https://ipchicken.com"
3. Image onerror: In this event listener, the src attribute in the
img tag looks for the file given in the URL. But, if the url raises an error
and cannot be accessed, we can have an onerror event listener to display an
appropriate message to the user.
Example of onerror event:
<img src="x" onerror="alert('No image
4. Using getElementById method: Here, we ask the user to input her
name using <input> tag. Then we access this input using the
getElementById method, and add a “Hi”, to it. Then we display it on the alert
box. This alert is displayed when the user clicks on the button after giving
the input.
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter your name"
<button onclick="alert('Hi
'+document.getElementById('textfield1').value)">Click Me</button>
1. A cookie is a piece of data stored in the
user’s browser while a session is some user data stored in server.
2. document.getElementById() method returns the
value of a specific id but the above statement will give an error due to ‘b’ of
‘by’ being in small letters. Javascript is case sensitive and hence each
function and variable’s name is case sensitive unlike in HTML.
listeners are simple code that wait for an event to happen on a specific
element and when it does, carry out the written code after it. For every DOM
event, you can setup an event listener like onClick, onMouseOver, onDblClick,
onKeypress, etc. For example to setup onClick listener on the button we can
write this code: <button id=”button1” onClick=”alert(‘hello’)”> Click me
1>Temporay XSS
2>Permanent XSS
Q. What is temporary XSS?
The vulnerabilities that allows hackers to insert malicious codes
into the HTML code of the browser are called as temporary XSS or
reflected xss. This attack is called temporary as the injected attack is
not stored within the application, rather it infects only those users who have
access to these links.
Q. What is permanent XSS?
The vulnerabilities that allows hackers to inject and execute
malicious client side scripts through the browser which gets permanently
stored in the server are called as permanent XSS or stored XSS.
Q. What is an HTML injection?
When a hacker is not able to execute JavaScript using XSS, but still able to
cause potential harm using HTML. This particular vulnerability is called as
HTML injection which occurs due to improper output validation as the website
without any proper sanitation attaches the user input to its own HTML code.
In XSS an
attacker is able to inject his own HTML/JS code inside an application. Now this
code is foreign code and can come either from the hacker or a website of the
hacker hence it is “cross site” scripting i.e. the website executing code which
is not its own.
If a user is
not able to execute JS using XSS but is still able to potentially harm the website
using HTML, this vulnerability is called HTML injection. HTML injection can
still be harmful as even if the hacker cannot inject JS to steal user’s
information but he can change the look and feel of the website using HTML and
CSS which could be used to defame the website or host phishing pages to trick
users in giving their data.
If the
website is taking input from the user without proper sanitation, and attaching
it to its own HTML code, this is called improper output validation i.e. before
putting user controlled data into its HTML code, website is not sanitising it
into safe characters that do not execute in the browser. An example of a good
output validation is to convert all HTML characters like “ < > into
$quot; < (less than) > (greater than), etc.
XSS is much more dangerous as it effects all the users of the website and the
attacker need not send infected links to victims and trick them into clicking
There are multiple cases in which a security expert can know about the
existence of a link that is available after login:
1. As part of a White/Grey box exercise, he gets both all the user roles
to test.
2. He guesses or brute forces (makes a script that tries all common page
3. He reads the source code and finds interesting links in the comments
or in the code or even in other files like JS, CSS, etc. linked inside the
source code.
4. He finds a user manual or other screenshots of the application (from
search engines or on the website itself) and reads it to find a screenshot or a
step telling the admin to visit a specific post login page.
5. He uses google dorks like site:x.com inurl:seller/actions and find a
page indexed in google.
6. He finds sitemap files like sitemap.xml and robots.txt using google
dork site:x.com sitemap robots.txt which contains list of links on the website.
7. He uses social engineering on a phone call to the seller support and
asks them their present URL.
When you connect to a
website, it creates a unique session for you and relates all your activities with
a long alphanumeric token called Session token. This session token is stored in
2 places, one at the server and the other at the client (in the user’s
browser). The client part is called a session cookie. This session cookie, in a
secure website acts as an authentication and authorisation token.
Authorisation determines whether a user has access to a particular
resource or not. For example it checks whether a user has access to specific
pages in a website.
confirms your identity to provide access to the system. For example, when you
try to login into a website, it checks whether the entered username and
password is valid or not.
Each page
that is supposed to be accessed after login, should check it at every request
that the user is still logged in but in certain cases, if you know a post login
URL (site.com/admin/controlpanel.php), you can directly put it in the browser
without logging in and you would still be able to access the functionality.
This is called Forced Browsing.
Site Request Forgery):
CSRF is a
flaw using which an attacker, after making a user visit hacker controlled
website (let’s say x.com) sends a request to the vulnerable website from the
user’s browser with the user’s cookies which authorises actions carried out on
the website on the victim’s behalf. I.e the attacker can forge requests as to
being sent by a victim from a “Cross Site” (different website) than the website
to which the request is going and since there is no checking as to where the request
is coming from, the forged request is accepted and actions are carried out on
behalf of the user who visited the “Cross Site”.
Redirection is a vulnerability where an attacker can use a link on the
vulnerable website to redirect the user to a malicious website. Open
redirection means if an attacker can control what is the destination of a
particular URL by inserting a malicious URL in the parameter and that URL is
not checked to be trusted or not.
Based Brute Force Attack
mostly for Username,Password
Q & A:
Brute Forcing is an
attack where an attacker sends a large number of requests to guess certain
value like __________.
Login credentials
ID and token numbers
File and folder names
All of the above
Well done. Correct Answer.
Any point in a web application where an attacker feels that upon
guessing a specific value can lead to juicy information, he does it. But
guessing a few possible values is useless and not efficient until we are trying
all possible values or at least a couple 100 of commonly used values.
Which kind of brute
forcing is beneficial when the range of possible values is so high that trying
them all is not efficient and would take ages?
Dictionary Based Brute Forcing
Well done. Correct Answer.
When we are guessing passwords, or hidden file names in a website for
example, there are endless possibilities to what can be a valid value.
Passwords can be anywhere from 4 characters to 20 characters and are not even
sequential. Same goes with filenames which can be anywhere from a few
characters to 50 characters. All these can be symbols, numbers etc. Hence,
trying all possibilities is not practical. Instead, we can try some 500 common
passwords used or 1000 common juicy filenames. Using such a set of commonly
used values during a brute forcing attack is called a Dictionary Based Attack.
In a dictionary
based brute forcing attack, one or more parameters have logically generated
values like numbers or alphanumerics in a given range or pattern. List of
possible values are computed first then tried.
Well done. Correct Answer.
Dictionary Based Brute Forcing means one or more parameters is
bruteforce with a single or multiple files, containing list of possible values
for the parameters. This is generally used for unpredictable values such as
usernames, passwords, filenames, etc.
34% students get
this answer correct at their first attempt
Which of these
signs suggest that bruteforcing cannot be done (or would be very difficult to
A captcha on the form which you are trying to bruteforce
Website blocking your IP address and giving you error 403 for 1 hour
after crossing 100 requests in 5 minutes
Website needs multiple inputs to give information like orderID and
registered mobile number
All of above - in all these scenarios bruteforcing won’t be practical
Well done. Correct Answer.
These are the best way to protect against brute forcing attacks. A
captcha will simply make bruteforcing almost impossible as Burp cannot solve
captchas. IP blocking also makes it difficult to do brute forcing although auto
changing proxies can be used and finally if the website is taking multiple
parameters in cases of IDORs then it becomes impractical to bruteforce 2
entities at the same time.
When is Cluster
Bomb used in the Burp Intruder?
An attack requires different unknown inputs to be inserted in multiple
places within the request
Well done. Correct Answer.
Cluster bomb is used when an attack requires different unknown inputs to
be inserted in multiple places within the request. For example, the username
and password parameters. In cluster bomb attack, all payload sets are checked
will all values of all other payload sets. i.e. each username will be checked
for all given passwords.
41% students get
this answer correct at their first attempt
Brute Forcing
Logical Brute Forcing
is done when the value we are trying to guess has an identifiable pattern or
Well done. Correct Answer.
Logical Brute Forcing means one or more parameters have logically
generated values like numbers or alphanumerics in a given range or pattern and
possibly even in a sequence. Hence a list of all possible values are computed
using the deduced logic (like all 5 character long strings with numbers and
small english letters) first and then they all are tried. This is generally the
case when bruteforcing OTPs, Tokens and ID numbers in case of IDORs. It can
also be used for small passwords like all possible 4 or 5 character passwords
in lowercase but these will hardly wok and will take a lot of time given that
it won't be able to guess admin@123 which is a super easy and common password.
In burp intruder we
use ________ payload when we want to replay the same request without any
Well done. Correct Answer.
Null payloads payload type generates payloads whose value is an empty
strings, while number payload type generates numeric payloads with a specified
range. Username generator makes possible usernames of given keywords and
bruteforcer is used to create a list of all possible values containing given
characters, minimum length and maximum length.
Username Generator
Brute Forcer
Which of the
following is NOT a sign to identify a successful guess during an intruder
attack on IDORs?
Success attempt will have a bigger response length than others
Success attempt will have a smaller response length than others
Status of the bruteforce attack may change
Success attempt will have the same response length but content may
None of the above
Well done. Correct Answer.
A success attempt may have a bigger response length or small response
length compared to the original response or in some cases status of the
response may change and then sometimes the length might be exactly the same but
the content might differ. You can use Burp Suite’s Comparer to compare 2
responses by sending a true response and a false response that you already
know, to the comparer.
You run a cluster
bomb attack with 2 injection points- 10 values in payload set 1 and 12 values
in payload set 2. How many guesses will the intruder make?
Well done. Correct Answer.
Cluster bomb attack tries all values of A with all values of B i.e.
10*12 = 120. This is helpful when we neither know which values of A & B are
to be used together nor we know which ones are correct. For example: Guessing
username and password combinations. On the other hand, in pitch fork attack.
From both sets, 1-1 value is picked and checked together and then the next
value pairs are checked.
74% students get
this answer correct at their first attempt
(Personal Information Leakage) :
Identifiable Information (PII) leakage is when personal data of users is leaked
due to any form of vulnerability.
Well done. Correct Answer.
PII Leakage is leakage of specific personal user information that can be
used to exactly pinpoint (identify) a person and distinguish him/her from
others with similar details.
PII can be a single
piece of information like aadhaar number, PAN number or a combination of
multiple details like full name and date of birth, etc.
Well done. Correct Answer.
PII is information that can be used to identify a user. Information like
aadhaar number and PAN number can be used directly to identify the person but
name cannot as there can be multiple people with same name. Though, a
combination of full name and date of birth can be used to pinpoint to a person
with high accuracy. Hence PII leakage is considered with either single solid
information or combinations of multiple pieces of information.
4 websites are
leaking the details of users due to an IDOR. The information given in each of
the given options is being leaked on individual websites. Which of these is
most vulnerable to PII leakage?
First name + date of birth
Place of birth + full name
Mobile number + name
Well done. Correct Answer.
Mobile numbers are unique in an area (country) hence if a user’s name
and mobile number is being leaked, it can be deemed PII leakage. Hence website
D is vulnerable to PII Leakage.
PII cannot occur
due to which of the following vulnerabilities?
SQL Injection
Arbitrary File Upload
Reflected XSS
Well done. Correct Answer.
XSS is a client side vulnerability and in case of Reflected XSS, the
attacker will need to make the user click on specific links and then maybe he
might be able to steal personal data of the user. But that's not a direct
leakage of PII. IDORs and SQLi are one of the most common sources of PII
leakage and if an attacker is able to upload a shell on the website using
Arbitrary File Upload, then he gets access to all data, hence it can also lead
to PII Leakage.
Question 1 1 Mark
What does the HTTP 403 response status code mean?
Temporary redirection
Moved permanently
HTTP version not
Correct Answer: C. Forbidden
403 response code
means that the resource you are requesting for has been “Forbidden” for you to
access due to permission issues.
Question 2 1 Mark
A PHPSESSID cookie is added by a website when you (user “x”) login to
it. What is the purpose of this cookie?
Provide personalised experience
Act as token for authentication
Act as token for authorisation
All of the above
None of the above
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
When you login to a
website like facebook, the website puts a cookie in your browser containing a
similar token like: PHPSESSID: 5695a5d9a58a9b90c7369e4d7. Facebook on its
server then stores that "user x" is 5695a5d9a58a9b90c7369e4d7. This
is then used to give you your personalised “Facebook Wall” and other features +
it acts as an authentication token as you don’t need to login before opening
every page on facebook. This also acts as an authorisation token and prevents
you from being able to edit a group’s settings whose admin is someone else.
Question 3 1 Mark
document.appendChild(element) is used for which of the following
Create an HTML element
Replace an HTML element
Add an HTML element
Remove an HTML
Correct Answer: C. Add an HTML element
is used to Add an HTML element whereas document.createElement(element) is used
to create an HTML element.
Question 4 1 Mark
Reflected XSS can be used to inject malicious HTML inside the website
that a user trusts and then can attack the users by sending them the link
containing the malicious exe files.
Correct Answer: A. True
In Reflected XSS
the server reads data directly from the HTTP request and reflects it back in
the HTTP response. Reflected XSS can be used to inject malicious HTML inside
the website that a user trusts and then can attack the users by sending them
the link containing the malicious payload.
Question 5 1 Mark
When a user might not be able to execute JS using XSS but is still able
to potentially harm the website using HTML, this vulnerability is called HTML
Correct Answer: A. True
HTML injection can
still be harmful since even if a hacker cannot inject JS to steal user
information, but he can change the look and feel of the website using HTML and
CSS which could be used to deface the website or host phishing pages to trick
users into giving their data.
Question 6 1 Mark
Which of the following methods is used to prevent XSS attacks?
Convert HTML tags to HTML entities like < > before
printing the user supplied data
Disallow input of HTML special characters into fields
Block specific keywords like script, onload, onerror, javascript,
on[anything], img, iframe, etc.
All of the above
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
The main way to
prevent XSS is to not allow users to enter HTML characters and code. This can
either be done by encoding all special characters into HTML entities before
printing them into a response or simply by not allowing users to enter special
characters anywhere, or by blocking specific keywords that can be harmful.
Question 7 1 Mark
Authorisation determines whether a user has logged in to the correct
Correct Answer: B. False
determines whether a user has access to a particular resource or not. For
example, it checks whether a user has access to specific files/pages on a
website. Authentication on the other hand checks if the user is logged in as a
valid user or not.
Question 8 1 Mark
When a user clicks on logout, the cookie is deleted from his browser,
but if a hacker is also logged in to the user’s account using the same cookie,
his cookie is not invalidated, hence he still stays logged in. What is the name
given to this type of flaw?
Cookie expiration flaw
Authentication flaw
Access control flaw
Forced browsing
Correct Answer: A. Cookie expiration flaw
This is a clear
case of cookie expiration flaw. Once logged out, although a cookie might get
deleted from the browser, you should copy it before logout and after logout,
put the cookie back in. If you get logged in, the website is vulnerable to
cookie expiration flaw as the cookie is only getting deleted from the browser
and not the server.
Question 9 1 Mark
CSRF attack happens when ____________.
Application includes untrusted data in a new web page
Many applications do not properly protect sensitive data
Authentication functionality is implemented incorrectly
None of the above
Correct Answer: D. None of the above
Cross-Site Request
Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions
on a web application in which they are currently authenticated. This happens
when a website allows transactions originating from unknown sources and does
not implement unique user specific tokens (like passwords, OTPs and other
random token) in critical actions.
Question 10 1 Mark
A website has a logout button with the following hyperlink:
sitexyz.com/logput.php?redir=http://sitexyz.com/home.php You change this URL to
sitexyz.com/logput.php?redir=http://google.com and the page does not redirect.
Can open redirection be possible here?
Correct Answer: A. Yes
Open Redirection is
a vulnerability where an attacker can use a link on the vulnerable website to
redirect it to a malicious website. This is usually done by identifying a
parameter whose value is what a page redirects to. In our case, when the value
of redir is http://sitexyz.com/home.php it redirects but when we try
http://google.com it doesn’t work. It means that the website might be checking
if the resultant domain belongs to sitexyz.com. This check can however be
bypassed if we changed it to http://google.com/sitexyz.com or
http://google.com/?abcd=sitexyz.com or http://sitexyz.com.google.com
Question 11 1 Mark
At which of these common places can CSRF be found?
Shopping cart
Delete account
Change password
Edit information
All of the above
Correct Answer: E. All of the above
Any form where you
see a critical action is happening and if it happens without the user knowing,
can cause trouble to the user, and hence must be checked for CSRF.
Question 12 1 Mark
In the burp suite intruder, the pitchfork attack type is used for which
of the following reasons?
All values of all payload sets need to be checked with each other ie.
#Set1 x #Set2 x …#SetN
When 1st value from all sets is picked and tried, then the 2nd value
from all sets is picked and so on
When the attacker wants to send the same request multiple times without
any changes
None of the above
Correct Answer: B. When 1st value from all sets
is picked and tried, then the 2nd value from all sets is picked and so on
Pitchfork uses multiple
payloads. It is used when an attack requires different but related inputs to be
inserted in multiple places within the request i.e. 1st of Set1 is tried with
1st of Set2 then 2nd of both then 3rd of both and so on.. Hence if there are 10
values in each of 2 payload sets, 10 requests will be sent and not 100.
Question 13 1 Mark
In burp intruder we use _____________ payload type to generate payloads
of specified lengths with all possible characters.
Null payloads
Number format
Username generator
Correct Answer: B. Bruteforcer
Bruteforcer is used
to generate payloads of specific length ranges with all combinations of given
character lists.
Question 14 1 Mark
Which of the following is not a client side attack?
Open Redirection
Cross Site Request Forgery
Rate Limiting Bypass
HTML Injection
Correct Answer: C. Rate Limiting Bypass
Client Side Attacks
are attacks that are focused on attacking and exploiting users by making them
visit specific pages, links, etc. These attacks do not steal data from the
server and instead exploit the users of the website. In case of Rate Limiting
flaw, it can be used to attack the servers and steal data from the servers
Question 15 1 Mark
Which of the following is an example of PII Leakage?
Landline number
First name + landline number
Country code + area code + landline number
First name + school
name + birth day and month + blood group
Correct Answer: C. Country code + area code +
landline number
Only option 3 can
be used to exactly pinpoint to a person. Rest although are leaking information
but won’t come under PII leakage. Instead they can still be reported as
Sensitive Data Disclosure.
Authentication is used by a server when the server needs to know
exactly who is accessing their information or site.
Authentication is used by a client when the client needs to know
that the server is system it claims to be.
In authentication, the user or computer has to prove its
identity to the server or client.
Usually, authentication by a server entails the use of a user
name and password. Other ways to authenticate can be through cards, retina
scans, voice recognition, and fingerprints.
Authentication by a client usually involves the server giving a
certificate to the client in which a trusted third party such as Verisign or
Thawte states that the server belongs to the entity (such as a bank) that the
client expects it to.
Authentication does not determine what tasks the individual can
do or what files the individual can see. Authentication merely identifies and
verifies who the person or system is.
Authorization is a process by which a server determines if the
client has permission to use a resource or access a file.
Authorization is usually coupled with authentication so that the
server has some concept of who the client is that is requesting access.
The type of authentication required for authorization may vary;
passwords may be required in some cases but not in others.
In some cases, there is no authorization; any user may be use a
resource or access a file simply by asking for it. Most of the web pages on the
Internet require no authentication or authorization.
Encryption involves the process of transforming data so that it
is unreadable by anyone who does not have a decryption key.
The Secure Shell (SSH) and Socket Layer (SSL) protocols are
usually used in encryption processes. The SSL drives the secure part of “https://”
sites used in e-commerce sites (like E-Bay and Amazon.com.)
All data in SSL transactions is encrypted between the client
(browser) and the server (web server) before the data is transferred between
the two.
All data in SSH sessions is encrypted between the client and the
server when communicating at the shell.
By encrypting the data exchanged between the client and server
information like social security numbers, credit card numbers, and home
addresses can be sent over the Internet with less risk of being intercepted
during transit.
authentication, authorization, and encryption
Authentication, authorization,
and encryption are used in every day life. One example in which authorization,
authentication, and encryption are all used is booking and taking an airplane
Encryption is used when a person buys their ticket online at one
of the many sites that advertises cheap ticket. Upon finding the perfect flight
at an ideal price, a person goes to buy the ticket. Encryption is used to
protect a person’s credit card and personal information when it is sent over
the Internet to the airline. The company encrypts the customer’s data so that
it will be safer from interception in transit.
Authentication is used when a traveler shows his or her ticket
and driver’s license at the airport so he or she can check his or her bags and
receive a boarding pass. Airports need to authenticate that the person is who
he or she says she is and has purchased a ticket, before giving him or her a
boarding pass.
Authorization is used when a person shows his or her boarding
pass to the flight attendant so he or she can board the specific plane he or
she is supposed to be flying on. A flight attendant must authorize a person so
that person can then see the inside of the plane and use the resources the
plane has to fly from one place to the next.
Here are a few examples of where encryption, authentication, and
authorization are used by computers:
Encryption should be used whenever people are giving out
personal information to register for something or buy a product. Doing so
ensures the person’s privacy during the communication. Encryption is also often
used when the data returned by the server to the client should be protected,
such as a financial statement or test results.
Authentication should be used whenever you want to know exactly
who is using or viewing your site. Weblogin is Boston University’s primary
method of authentication. Other commercial websites such as Amazon.com require
people to login before buying products so they know exactly who their
purchasers are.
Authorization should be used whenever you want to control viewer
access of certain pages. For example, Boston University students are not
authorized to view certain web pages dedicated to professors and
administration. The authorization requirements for a site are typically defined
in a website’s .htaccess file.
Authentication and Authorization are often used together. For
example, students at Boston University are required to authenticate before
accessing the Student Link. The authentication they provide determines what
data they are authorized to see. The authorization step prevents students from
seeing data of other students.
These are also referred to as default files/folders/url that contain
crucial information of servers. Hackers exploit these default files which
further helps them to plan their attacks. Below are few examples of default
files that you may find in a website.
1. Robots.txt - One can find this file in the base
directory of a website. This file is used by server administrators to disallow
search engines like Google, Bing, etc. to record certain pages/folders as it
may contain interesting folders and files which a developer is trying to hide.
2. Phpinfo.php - This file is a common debug file in
PHP applications that contains huge amount of information regarding the server.
3. Users.xml - This file generally contains usernames
and passwords which hackers may exploit.
4. Backup.sql - This default file is crucial as it may
contain complete database backup.
5. Config.bak - This may be a configuration file that
stores passwords and keys.
6. error_log / error.log - This file contains all error
logs of the server which can reveal vulnerabilities to hackers.
7. server-status and server-info - These are common
Apache page that contains server information.
8. manager/html - This default url takes you to Tomcat
login page that can further disclose sensitive server information.
9. phpmyadmin - It is the login page for PHPmyadmin - a
software used for managing SQL databases from the website. Exploiting a
database can compromise all the data inside it.
Apart from these, there are many more default files that you should
check and search for. You might not be able to find these default files as they
may have been restricted by server administrators.
that occur due to the server admins keeping weak passwords on login pages and
services or not changing/deleting the default accounts in applications that are
created automatically during installation are known as ________________.
Insecure default configuration flaws
Outdated software related flaws
Flaws due to components with known vulnerabilities
None of the above
Vulnerabilities that occur due to the
server admins keeping weak passwords on login pages and services or not changing/deleting
the default accounts in applications that are created automatically during
installation are known as Default/Weak Passwords misconfiguration flaws.
Flaws that
arise due to components with known vulnerabilities happen simply when the website/server
is using software that are outdated or unmanaged.
When a website uses themes, addons,
plugins, libraries and other software (of a specific version) that have a known
public vulnerability and fails to update (or remove) these when a patch is
released in a newer version, then it becomes vulnerable to hackers who can then
view the public vulnerability and misuse it to gain access to the server.
Which of the
following are some default files in a website?
All of the above
error.log, phpmyadmin, config.bak,
backup.sql, robots.txt etc. are some of the most used default files in a
Which of
these is the default path to load the Tomcat Manager application?
The default path to load the Tomcat Manager
application is http://{host}:{port}/manager/html This manager applications is
also commonly found at http://domain.com:8080/manager/html (port 8080 instead
of 80).
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For Top 10
most common username:
passwords are a part of using components with known vulnerabilities.
Default/Weak passwords are present when a
website administrator installs a server side
addon/library/software/web-application and forgets to change the default
password or keeps a weak guessable password.
fingerprinting a component, which of the following is NOT helpful?
Path of folders and files in page source
Footer text
Text on the page
All of the above
None of the above
The URL, file/folder names in page source,
HTTP request/response headers, cookies, logos, favicons, page titles, text on
the page, title, footers, etc. can all be used to fingerprint components in a
passwords can be found on youtube videos of the product.
A lot of times, products make youtube
channels with tutorial videos on how to setup/use the product. In such cases,
there are chances that the developer might talk about the default passwords.
You can
commonly see default passwords in the page source.
No, a developer will never put default
password in the page source, but you should still read the HTML page source for
other hints.
A website is
using a third party product with a publicly known vulnerability without being
patched. This type of flaw is known as using components with known
If a hacker finds a product which is
outdated, he tries to find its vulnerabilities and exploits and uses it against
the website. When a website is using a third party product with a publically
known vulnerability without being patched, this type of flaw is known as using
components with known vulnerabilities.
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Which of the
following ways are used to fingerprint applications?
HTTP headers
HTML source code
All of the above
HTTP headers, HTML source code, banners and
titles, default files like README.html are some common ways to fingerprint an
To find
vulnerabilities in a product, we look for some vulnerability repositories and
exploit repositories for leaked exploits.
Vulnerability Repositories - CVEdetails.com
vulnhub.com, securityfocus.com etc Exploit repositories - Exploit-DB.com,
Rapid7.net Google - “[Product Name] vulnerability/exploit]
A flaw in a
software that can be used by a hacker to gain access to a system or network is
called ___________.
Vulnerability is a flaw in a software that
can be used by a hacker to gain access to a system or network.
is a security scanner to scan vulnerabilities in Joomla.
CMS scanner
CMS Scanner is used to Scan WordPress,
Drupal, Joomla, Bulletin websites for security issues.
in the version of CMS and vulnerability in a specific version of a theme
installed in the CMS are some common ways to find vulnerabilities in CMS.
To find vulnerabilities in CMS there can be
2 ways: 1) Vulnerability in that version of CMS itself. 2) Vulnerability in a
specific version of a theme/plugin/addon installed on in the CMS.
Which of the
following files can be used to check the version of the installed Drupal CMS?
CHANGELOG.txt is the name of the default
file which can be used to check the version of the installed Drupal CMS.
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All of the above
themes and plugins can be enumerated using page source.
If the HTML source contains wp-* it means
that that specific folder has WordPress installed. You can even spot themes
with CSS and JS files containing /themes in the URL and /plugins for plugins.
vulnerability in a WordPress plugin may help an attacker upload a shell on the
Plugins, themes etc. can contain any
vulnerability be it XSS, SQLi, IDOR, File upload etc. That's why making sure
that all plugins and themes are updated and outdated ones deleted is extremely
Multiple PHP
remote file inclusion vulnerabilities in Advanced Comment System 1.0 allow
remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the ACS_path
parameter of _________________.
admin.php and index.php
Multiple PHP remote file inclusion
vulnerabilities in Advanced Comment System 1.0 allow remote attackers to
execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the ACS_path parameter of (1) index.php
and (2) admin.php in advanced_comment_system/
Remote file
inclusion allows an attacker to do which of the following?
Code execution on the web server
Denial of service
Sensitive information disclosure
All of the above
RFI allows an attacker to include a file,
execute code on the web server, execute code on the client side such as
javascript, DOS and sensitive information disclosure. Remote File Inclusion
allows an attacker to temporarily upload malware and backdoor shells from a
remote URL located on a different domain.
Remote file
inclusion is an attack targeting vulnerabilities in web applications that
dynamically reference external scripts.
Remote file inclusion is an attack
targeting vulnerabilities in web applications that dynamically reference
external scripts. It is the process of including remote files through the
exploitation of vulnerable parameters in the application.
In this
topic we used 34992.py to run the python file. Here if we want to create a new
instance we can use which of the following syntax?
34992.py -t (target url)
34992.py -u USER -p PASS
34992.py exploit
None of the above
34992.py -t http[s]://TARGET_URL -u USER -p
PASS will be used to create a new instance.
file upload vulnerability allows an attacker to do which of the following?
To put a phishing page
To upload malicious files that trigger client side attacks
Upload a shell script
All of the above
File upload vulnerability allows an
attacker to perform attacks on an application platform where he can upload .exe
files, .html file containing script, .jpg file containing a flash object, and
many more.
Question 1 1 Mark
Vulnerabilities that occur due to the server admins keeping weak
passwords on login pages and services or not changing/deleting the default
accounts in applications that are created automatically during installation are
known as ________________ flaws.
Outdated software related vulnerabilities
Insecure Default configuration
Insecure Direct Object Reference
None of the above
Correct Answer: D. None of the above
that occur due to the server admins keeping weak passwords on login pages and
services or not changing/deleting the default accounts in applications that are
created automatically during installation are known as Default/Weak Passwords
misconfiguration flaws.
Question 2 1 Mark
Descriptive Error Messages are error messages that contain more
information than they should, leading to an attacker getting critical knowledge
about the server.
Correct Answer: A. True
Descriptive Error
Messages and Debug Messages are error messages that contain more information
than they should, leading to an attacker getting critical knowledge about the
server/application architecture helping him/her to plan deeper attacks. This is
extremely common because by default, all applications are supposed to disclose
full description in case of error so that it’s easy for developers to fix them.
Question 3 1 Mark
Which file in PHP applications contains information about the PHP
license, version and other information?
Correct Answer: D. Phpinfo.php
Phpinfo contains
information about PHP version, HTTP headers, PHP license and some other
information about PHP.
Question 4 1 Mark
Robots.txt is a file used by server admins to disallow search engines like
Google, Bing, etc. to record certain pages/folders.
Correct Answer: A. True
Web site owners use
the /robots.txt file to give instructions about their site to web robots; this
is called The Robots Exclusion Protocol. Robots.txt is a file used by server
admins to disallow search engines like Google, Bing, etc. to record certain
pages/folders. This can contain interesting folders and files that a developer
is trying to hide.
Question 5 1 Mark
HTTP headers, HTML source code, favicons and default files like
readme.html are some ways to fingerprint applications.
Correct Answer: A. True
There are numerous
ways to fingerprint applications. Some of them are fingerprinting HTTP methods,
favicons, banners and titles and searching for some default files like
README.html etc.
Question 6 1 Mark
While testing for a hotel booking websites, you intercepted the request
and changed the start date to 30 Apr 2019 and the end date to 28 Feb 2019. Upon
forwarding the request, you got an Internal Server Error which says “Days
cannot be negative” with descriptive file names and line numbers as to where
the error happened on the server. Which vulnerability is this?
Information disclosure due to descriptive errors
Default misconfigurations
None of the above
Correct Answer: A. Information disclosure due to
descriptive errors
Disclosure due to Descriptive Errors is a vulnerability where in server errors
reveal critical information about the server architecture, file names, code,
configuration, etc. To trigger such errors we generally do fuzzing containing
unexpected values in GET/POST parameters, headers, and even cookies.
Question 7 1 Mark
A CVE ID is a unique ID given to each public exploit of a vulnerability.
Correct Answer: B. False
A CVE ID is a
unique ID give to each public vulnerability, and not the exploit. Whenever an
ethical hacker reports a vulnerability in a specific version of a product to a
vendor and the vendor accepts it, it is listed on CVE platforms like
cvedetails.com with a unique CVE ID. One CVE ID can have multiple exploits but
each vulnerability has a unique CVE ID.
Question 8 1 Mark
Exploit-db.com is the largest database of all public vulnerabilities
Correct Answer: B. False
Exploit-db.com is a
database of exploit codes that can be used to misuse a vulnerability.
CVEdetails on the other hand is a database of vulnerabilities.
Question 9 1 Mark
__________ is a type of wordpress vulnerability.
Vulnerable/old version of Wordpress
Vulnerable version of wordpress plugin
Vulnerable version of wordpress theme
Option 1 and 3
All of the above
Correct Answer: E. All of the above
In wordpress, there
can be 3 types of vulnerabilities -Vulnerable/old version of Wordpress itself.
-Vulnerable version of wordpress plugin (used for additional functionality
other than a blog like contact form, shopping cart, customer support chat, etc)
installed on the website. -Vulnerable version of a wordpress theme installed on
the website.
Question 10 1 Mark
Which of the following scanner is used to scan Drupal?
CMS scanner
All of the above
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
There are different
scanners available to scan Drupal. Commonly used scanners are Droopescan,
Drupwn, CMS scanner and nmap drupal script.
Question 11 1 Mark
An exploit to do SQL Injection in a wordpress plugin can be written in
which of these programming languages?
All of the above
Correct Answer: E. All of the above
Exploits can be
written in any language that the writer is comfortable with. There is no
specific language to write exploits but it is generally seen that web based
exploits are written in python.
Question 12 1 Mark
In wordpress, themes are stored in which of these folders?
Correct Answer: D. wp-content/themes
In wordpress,
themes and plugins are stored in wp-content folder containing folders named
“plugins” and “themes”.
Question 13 1 Mark
The Advanced Comment System Exploit 9623 has which of these types of
File Inclusion
Shell Upload
SQL Injection
Cross Site
Correct Answer: A. File Inclusion
The type of
vulnerability in Advanced Comment System Exploit 9623 is File Inclusion, where
an attacker is able to open a local/remote file and view/execute it. exploit is
www.site/path /advanced_comment_system/index.php?ACS_path=[shell.txt?]
Question 14 1 Mark
Which is the best way to know how to use a python exploit downloaded
from exploit-db.com?
By reading the source code
Searching for videos on youtube
Run the file: python filename.py
Read the code
Correct Answer: C. Run the file: python
Most exploits and
tools regardless of the programming language, have a inbuilt help text that
explains how to run the exploit, what all parameters it requires, and how to
configure other settings in the exploit. To view this, you can simply run the
file without any parameters and it will most of the times, show you the help
text. You can also try: python filename.py --help Or: python filename.py -h
Question 15 1 Mark
John was able to get access to the admin panel of a website by entering
the admin and password USER:USER. He found that he can execute any command on
the server, so he entered cat index.php. What result can he expect once the
command executes?
List of all the files on the server with the name index.php
Create a folder with the name “index”
Shows the user of the server
Print the source
code of index.php
Correct Answer: D. Print the source code of index.php
cat command is used
to print the text of any file on a linux server. So cat filename.php --- will
print the source code of the particular php file.
gathering means gathering as much information about the vulnerabilities in
various assets of an organisation, and to organise it in a structured manner.
Information gathering means gathering as
much information about the target as possible. This includes all its assets
like websites, ports and servers. Finding vulnerabilities comes under
vulnerability assessment.
Crunchbase.com platform is used to find ____________.
Subdomains of a website
Mergers and acquisitions of a company
Crunchbase information includes investments
and funding information, founding members and individuals in leadership
positions, mergers and acquisitions, news, and industry trends.
Whois allows you to search for domains by the name, address, telephone number,
and email address of the registrant listed in Whois records.
Reverse Whois allows you to search for
domains by the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the
registrant listed in current or historical Whois records. So for example, if
you get the name of a websites admin using whois, you can search his name in reverse
whois, this way you will get all domains registered by that admin.
Fierce tool
is used for which of the following purposes?
Scan open ports of a domain
Subdomain finder
Fierce is a reconnaissance tool. It is a
semi-lightweight scanner that helps you find subdomains of a given domain.
DirBuster is
a java application designed to brute force directories and file names on web
application servers.
DirBuster is a multi threaded java
application designed to brute force directories and file names on web
application servers.
NMap Offers this (Automating VAPT) :
Scans in Nmap and their role:-
1. Intense scan: This scans top 1000 commonly used ports and
then tries to find what exact service and version of that service is running in
an open port. This scan also helps in detecting the type of operating
2. Intense scan + UDP: Normal intense scan only scans TCP
ports and using this scan, we can also scan UDP ports too.
3. Intense scan all ports: Instead of scanning only the 1000
common ports, this will scan all the possible ports 0-65535 (As it scans all
the ports, this scan takes a lot of time to complete).
4. Intense scan no ping: This scan is used where firewalls
are placed at the target.
5. Ping scan: This scan only checks if the host is reachable
or not. The scan doesn’t scan any port.
6. Quick scan: This scans lesser ports and does no service
version detection. It is faster than intense scan but can be a bit unreliable.
7. Quick scan plus: It scans fewer ports (same as the
quick scan) but does version detection. The scan is much more aggressive and
hence can put a little stress on the network and be a bit unreliable.
8. Regular scan: Runs Nmap with default options i.e. simple
port scanning and no service version detection.
9. Slow comprehensive scan: It is an extremely slow scan
that does deep level scanning with the highest accuracy and least stress on the
NMAP is used
for which of the following?
Scan open ports on a domain
Scan services running on an IP address range
Find vulnerabilities in services installed on a server
None of the above
All of the above
NMAP is an open source tool which is used
to perform network scans, find open ports on remote host, fingerprint services
installed and running on ports and even find vulnerabilities in those services.
It is one of the most widely used tools.
In Zenmap if
we want to just check if the host is reachable or not without doing port
scanning we use_________scan.
Quick scan
Intense scan
Intense scan no ping
Ping scan
In Zenmap if we want to just check if the
host is reachable or not without doing port scanning we can use ping scan.
In Zenmap,
slow comprehensive scan is used to do which of the following?
To scan all possible TCP ports on a given host
To scan all possible UDP ports on a given host
To control the rate of scanning so that not a lot of traffic is
All of the above
Slow comprehensive scan: Extremely slow
scan that does deep level scanning with the highest accuracy and least stress
on the network. It scans all 65535 possible ports for both TCP and UDP. It can
take several hours to complete.
In Nmap we
use -A switch to do port scan, tell us the exact service and version and to
detect which OS the host is using.
-A switch not only does port scan, but
tells us the exact service, its version and even runs some scripts based on the
service found to get more information. -A switch also tries Operating System
detection along with the reverse dns and other additional stuff.
Here is a list of
some tools that are used for automating VAPT:
- Burp
Suite Pro - Complete overall semi-automated VAPT for technical flaws such
as SQLi, XSS, Command injection, CSRF, etc.
- Acunetix
- Completely automated VAPT with minimal human intervention (like for
login pages) for overall bugs - technical or non technical.
- Nikto
- Free open-source tool which is a bit old and is mainly used to find
configuration issues on the web server.
ZAP Proxy - Similar to Burp Suite, but available free of cost.
- Nessus
- Completely automated VAPT for network-based and server-based
- Metasploit
- One of the most widely used free tool containing various semi-automated
modules to check for and exploit vulnerabilities.
Since massive amount of research and testing goes into developing these tools,
most of these are paid.
But, most paid tools also have a free to use alternative.
This alternative may not be as user friendly as the paid version and may not
generate impressive reports, but they can give you a hint of where to do manual
attacks. BurpSuite community version that we have used in this training is a
free alternative for the paid version called BurpSuite Pro.
unexpected input in standard fields in an application and studying the response
is called Fuzzing.
Inserting unexpected input in standard
fields in an application and studying the response is called Fuzzing and the inputs
that are tried are called payloads.
students get this answer correct at their first attempt
Which of the
following is not a VAPT tool?
ZAP Proxy
Burp Suite
Active Perl
Active Perl is just a software to make and
run perl scripts in windows. Some of the widely used VAPT tools are
Aircrack-ng, Burp suite pro, nikto, OWASP ZAP Proxy, Metasploit, wireshark,
Nikto web
server scanner is used to do which of the following?
Checks for outdated server components
Scan multiple ports on a server, or multiple servers via the
input file
Subdomain guessing
All of the above
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server
scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple
items, checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers. It also checks for
server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP
server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and
software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be
automatically updated and has many more usages.
students get this answer correct at their first attempt
If Burp
reports that it has found SQL injection in the given target, it means that the
website is definitely vulnerable to SQL injection.
A lot of times automated scanners may
report a false positives. In burp suite, when burp is not sure, it even gives a
“tentative”/”unsure” status which suggests that you must revalidate the bug. So
we always need to check each reported vulnerability manually and confirm if
it’s a false positive or not.
Question 1 1 Mark
Improper Input Sanitisation is when an application gives output to the
user and doesn’t sanitise it properly. An attacker exploits this by injecting
malicious commands, codes, tokens, etc. and when the application injects this
data into HTTP responses, attacker is able to control the HTTP/HTML response and
attack the users of the application.
Correct Answer: B. False
Improper Output
Sanitisation is when an application gives output to the user and doesn’t
sanitise it properly. An attacker exploits this by injecting malicious
commands, codes, tokens, etc. and when applications inject this data into HTTP
responses, the attacker is able to control the HTTP/HTML response and attack
the users of the application. Whereas, Improper Input Sanitisation is when an
application takes input from the user and doesn’t sanitise it properly. An
attacker exploits this by injecting malicious commands, codes, tokens, etc. and
when the application parses this data input by the user, the malicious code
executes and gives the attacker access he/she shouldn’t have.
Question 2 1 Mark
If Burp scanner shows an alert sign which is white in color, it means
the issue is ___________.
Critical and confirmed
General information
Critical and not
sure but maybe
Correct Answer: D. Critical and not sure but
For Burp here are
some common colours that are used and there meaning: Red Alert - Critical -
Confirmed White Alert - Critical - Not sure but maybe Orange Alert - High
Yellow Alert - Medium Grey i Icon - General Information
Question 3 1 Mark
Dirbuster is a tool which can be used to find each and every folder and
file on the website.
Correct Answer: B. False
Dirsearch cannot
find each and every file and folder on the website instead it finds if the
files with common file/folder names exist on the server. So it guesses the
file/folder names using a dictionary file which contains common folder and file
Question 4 1 Mark
Dirbuster dictionary will contain file names like admin.php, login.asp
and robots.txt since these are common filenames.
Correct Answer: B. False
dictionaries do not contain any extensions. Remember that you provide the list
of extensions to try. The dictionaries only contain filenames like admin, login
and robots. When you provide extensions to try like php, asp and txt, it will
search for admin.php admin.asp admin.txt login.php login.asp login.txt
robots.php robots.asp and robots.txt too. Whichever of these exist on the
website, dirbuster will notify you.
Question 5 1 Mark
Let’s say you enter this URL in dirbuster http://x.com/admin/ . It will
search for files and folders in which of these directories?
Correct Answer: A. http://x.com/HERE
By default
dirbuster will start the searching in x.com/ because there is an option in
dirbuster for “Dir to start with” which has the value of /. If you want to
search specifically after x.com/admin/HERE then you have to put /admin/ in the
“dir to start with field”.
Question 6 1 Mark
In the previous scenario if Dirbuster finds a folder x.com/images/, dirbuster
will automatically start searching for files in /images/ too. This happens due
to which of these options?
Bruteforce Dirs
Bruteforce files
Be Recursive
List Based
Correct Answer: C. Be Recursive
The “Be recursive”
option in dirbuster will first find folders and files in the / directory and
then repeat the same wordlist for all folders it found in step 1 and this will
keep happening until all found folders are searched. To avoid this, you can
uncheck this option and if let’s say you do find an interesting folder like
/backup/ then you can set the “Dir to start with” option to “/backup/”.
Question 7 1 Mark
Which of these is the purpose of an Intense Scan + UDP in zenmap?
Scans services running on all 65535 ports
Scans top 1000 UDP ports
Scans top 1000 TCP and UDP ports
Scan all 65535 TCP and UDP ports
None of the above
Correct Answer: C. Scans top 1000 TCP and UDP
Normal intense scan
only scans TCP ports but Intense scan +UDP scans both TCP and UDP ports and the
intense scan scans only the top 1000 ports.
Question 8 1 Mark
In Zenmap, the quick scan is quick because of which of the following
It uses multi threading
It scans even less than 1000 common ports
It does not do version detection and OS detection
All of the above
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
Quick scan uses -F
switch which by default scans only the most common ports like 80, 443, 23, 22,
etc. and not that standard 1000 ports in case of Intense Scan (-A). Also, it
does not do version detection and OS detection. It will only give you the list
of open ports. Although, you can use Quick Scan plus to do version detection
Question 9 1 Mark
In nmap if we want to print verbose output, run stealth syn scan, T5
timing(maximum speed setting), OS and version detection for all possible TCP
ports, we use which of the following?
nmap -v -sS -p0-65535 -O -sV -T5 target
nmap -v -p- -sV -O -T5 target
nmap -v -p0-65535 -A -T5 target
nmap -v -sS -p- -sV -O -T5 target
All of the above
Correct Answer: E. All of the above
-v is used to print
debug information (verbose mode) and tell you how much time is remaining for
the scan to complete By default, nmap does a TCP stealth syn scan (-sS) hence
putting a -sS is optional as nmap uses it anyway. To scan all possible ports
you can either use -p0-65535 or -p- -O is used for OS detection and -T5 is used
to run nmap at maximum speed setting. -sV is used for version detection. -A
does -sS -sV -O Hence all options are correct.
Question 10 1 Mark
To scan the ports 0-1000 we can do an Intense Scan.
Correct Answer: B. False
The intense scan
(-A) scans the top 1000 ports i.e. the most commonly used 1000 ports. So even
though 3306>1000 it is a common port used by MySQL and it is included in the
most commonly used 1000 ports. This does not mean that intense scan will scan
port 1 or port 90 or port 999 which are uncommon ports. To scan only ports
between 0-1000, you can give -p0-1000 instead. In that case, it wont scan port
Question 11 1 Mark
Finding subdomains of a given domain is extremely important as
developers might host protected/private/secret applications and do not expect
people to find it.
Correct Answer: A. True
Subdomains often
contain more bugs than the main website as the developers spend more focus on
the main website. Subdomain generally contain internal panels, servers login
pages, etc. So you should always try to find all subdomains of a given domain.
You can do this using tools like Fierce, Google dorks, and a website called
Question 12 1 Mark
Reverse Whois allows you to search which of the following?
If the domain is available to purchase
If the subdomain is working
Domains by the name, address, telephone number and email address of the
All of the above
Correct Answer: C. Domains by the name, address,
telephone number and email address of the registrant
Reverse Whois
allows you to search for domains by the name, address, telephone number and
email address of the registrant listed in Whois records.
Question 13 1 Mark
Burp Suite automated scanner is free to use.
Correct Answer: B. False
Although there are
some old pirated versions of Burp suite, to use Burp suite automated scanner
legally, one needs to buy Burp Suite pro.
Some common tips
for taking a PoC:
- Take
a screenshot of everything. You might not need it but it’s better than to regret
- Take
relevant screenshots with only the required region. The developer doesn’t
need to see your entire desktop and taskbar while you are trying to show
him an XSS popup.
- Make
mute videos and use text editors to type instructions. It is much more
- Write
down every step of your process in your text editor, be it information
gathering and the information you found, vulnerabilities found,
interesting blogs/links that you read to find, test and exploit
vulnerabilities, links to automate scripts/exploits you found online, data
you found after exploitation, everything!
- Use
proper folder and file structure.
- Make
sure that this data is backed up and secure. Use Google Drive, Dropbox,
Onedrive, etc. to constantly backup the screenshot folders and VAPT
project folders to the cloud.
- Also,
make sure these are safe and secure, since if someone gets hold of this,
he/she will be able to cause critical damage to the organisation and you
will get into trouble.
What does
proof of concept mean?
A presentation describing the tools that are used to exploit the
A video showing how the attacker can exploit a vulnerability in
a website
A text file showing the steps that are used to find the
All of the above
A PoC in ethical hacking is a collection of
evidences like screenshots, videos and HTTP requests along with a sequence of
steps that were used to test and exploit a loophole. These steps must be
explained in such a way that a technical person like a developer should be able
to follow the steps and replicate the same vulnerability at his own end. A POC
can be in any format like pptx, text file or video.
If you find
an SQL injection vulnerability, which of the following parts should you provide
as a proof of concept in your report to the developers?
The URL and parameter you found the SQL injection in
Databases, table names and data you were able to extract
Screenshot of the vulnerability with the step by step guide on
how to replicate it
All of the above
You need to provide complete information in
your proof of concept like including what you found, where you found it, how
you exploited it with steps and guide, how to fix it and some references so
that the developer can read more about it.
Let’s look at the
key parts of a Detailed Developer Report:
- Index
of all the vulnerabilities.
- Information
about what exact URL and parameters are affected.
- The
payload you used to confirm the vulnerability.
- Observations
(screenshots/videos) explaining a complete step by step exploitation of
each vulnerability.
- Outcome
(if any) i.e. the data you were able to extract using the vulnerability,
commands you were able to run, etc.
- Business
Impact - A detailed description of the impact of the vulnerability with
examples (screenshots/videos).
- Recommendations
on how to patch the vulnerability.
- References
about the vulnerability, including links explaining the vulnerability, the
patches and the impact.
Let’s look at the
key parts of a High Level Management Summary:
- Information
summarising everything a hacker can do if an attack happens, containing
maximum possible impacts of each vulnerability (multiple if they exist).
- Information
about what exact URL and parameters are affected.
- Brief
observations containing only the application affected and impact
information i.e no step by step guide is required, but only outcome
- Detailed
business impact with proofs of all kind of information you extracted during
the exploitation.
- References
about the vulnerabilities (not the patches).
Let us discuss some basic recommendation points for common OWASP Top 10
vulnerabilities and some others (assuming that for almost all major
vulnerabilities, OWASP has Wiki documents that can be used for Referencing):
Injections (SQL): SQL injections exist when an
application doesn't sanitise user input before passing it into an SQL
command. Here are a few recommendations:
- Sanitise user
input and remove or encode special characters like ‘ “ - () # etc.
- Use
whitelist filters, which means if a parameter is supposed to have integer
values, do not allow non-numeric input. If it is an email field, allow
alphanumerics, @ and .(dot)
- Use
strong web application firewalls to make exploitation difficult
- Never
run SQL server software (MySQL, MsSQL, etc.) as high privilege user such
as ‘root’
- Use
prepared statements for SQL queries instead of inserting user
controlled input into SQL queries
- Remove
default databases and accounts such as test, guest, admin, etc.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS):
This happens when a user controlled input is reflected somewhere else in
an HTML page and is not encoded/sanitised properly. This leads to an
attacker being able to inject HTML code in the affected page. So, the fix is to
make sure that any input which is taken from a user, while being written into
an HTTP response must be cleaned first. So, the recommendations can be written
- Perform
proper output encoding of special characters like < > “ ‘
- For
example, before printing untrusted user-supplied data into an HTML
response, convert special characters into HTML encoding (< > "
etc.) or URL encode them (%3C %3E %22 %27)
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) + Rate Limiting (Brute forcing)
This happens, when an application doesn't check if a user who is
requesting a resource actually is requesting data that he is supposed to
view/edit. So, the recommendations can be:
- Sensitive
information must only be accessible to authorised users
- Implement
proper authentication and authorisation checks at every function
to make sure the user requesting access to a resource whether to view or
edit is his own data and no one else's
- Implement
proper Rate Limiting checks that disallows large number of
requests from/to a single resource. For example, if from a single device,
a single module like OTP check, password check, signup, etc. is being
called 100 times in a single minute, it should be blocked
- Similarly,
if an account’s password is being attempted to reset even from different
devices, the account should be locked for a while
- Implement
these checks on the basis of IP addresses and sessions
Arbitrary File Uploads:
This happens when applications do not implement proper file type
checking and allow uploading of files of different file formats. For example, a
PHP file instead of a jpeg profile picture.
- Perform
proper server-side validations on what kind of a file user is uploading
- Use
white lists filters instead of black list filters. Example: in
case of a resume upload feature, instead of banning PHP and .exe files,
only allow .pdf, .doc and .docx files
- Rename
the files using a code, so that the attacker cannot play around with file
- Use
static file hosting servers like CDNs and file clouds to store files
instead of storing them on the application server itself
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF):
This happens, when an application accepts allows critical actions
without any additional tokens like passwords and also allows HTTP requests
without checking from where exactly they are coming from. To prevent CSRF, all
critical actions must be password protected, CSRF token technology should be
used to prevent and all requests must first check and make sure that the
request is coming from the website itself and not some third party page. So,
recommendations can be:
- Ask
the user his password (temporary like OTP or permanent like login
password) at every critical action like while deleting account,
making a transaction, changing the password etc.
- Implement
the concept of CSRF tokens which attach a unique hidden password to every
user in every <form>. Read the documentation related to the
programming language and framework being used by your website
- Check
the referer before carrying out actions. This means that any action on
x.com should check that the HTTP referrer is https://x.com/* and nothing
else like https://x.com.hacker.com/*
Using components with known vulnerabilities:
In this, the attacker finds that the server is using an older version of
any software, plugin, theme, OS etc. and then uses publicly disclosed
vulnerabilities of that specific version to exploit the server. So, the
recommendations are:
- Upgrade
to the latest version of Affected Software/theme/plugin/OS which
means latest version number
- If upgrade is
not possible for the time being, isolate the server from any other
critical data and servers
Security Misconfigurations:
The category of security misconfigurations is rather wide and the
recommendations are completely different for each misconfiguration but the
concept is the same. For example, if a website is using an Apache Tomcat server
and is configured with default credentials like tomcat:tomcat, the
recommendations would contain the steps to change the password for apache
tomcat and suggest to keep a strong alphanumeric password which is difficult to
Session and Cookie Flaws:
Again these depend upon the exact flaw but below are some common good
- Do
not store critical information such as passwords in cookies
- Set
relevant (based on business requirements) expiration time on sessions and
- Disallow
concurrent logins (login into the same account from multiple
- Make
sure all cookies are HTTPs protected
- Destroy
sessions and cookies properly once a user logs out
- Do
not allow access to any resource without an authenticated
and authorised cookie
- Cookies
and session tokens should be at least 30-40 character long with
alphanumerics, which are in no way related to the actual data they are
referencing and should be impossible to guess
Client Side validation flaws:
These issues basically occur when an application does user
input sanitisation only at the client side. Like taking the
quantity of product to buy using non-editable text fields and + - buttons but
once the request is generated using a proxy, you can pass negative or decimal
values in quantity and on the server side no checks are in place.
Hence, its patch is simple too.
- Implement
all critical checks on server side code only
- Client-side
checks must be treated as decoratives only
- All
business logic must be implemented and checked on the server code.
- This
includes user input, the flow of applications and even the URL/Modules a
user is supposed to access or not
Which of the
following recommendations are correct for fixing an SQL vulnerability in an
Remove default databases and accounts such as test, guest, etc.
Use strong web application firewalls to make exploitation
Sanitise user input and remove/encode special characters like ‘
“ - () # etc.
All of the above
Best way to fix an SQL injection
vulnerability is to sanitise user input and remove special characters, use
whitelist filters, use strong web application firewalls, remove default
databases, etc.
Direct Object References (IDOR) can be prevented by which of the following
Iplementing proper authentication and authorisation checks at
every function to make sure the user requesting access to a resource- whether
to view or edit, is his/her data and no one else's.
IDOR can be prevented in many ways like
making sensitive information accessible to authorised users, implementing
proper authentication and authorisation checks at every function to make sure
the user requesting access to a resource whether to view or edit, is his/her
data and no one else's.
Session and
Cookie Flaws can be prevented by which of the following methods?
Disallow concurrent logins (login into the same account from
multiple devices/locations) and make sure all cookies are HTTPS protected
Session and cookie flaws can be prevented
by making sure all cookies are HTTPS protected, destroying sessions and cookies
properly once a user logs out, not allowing access to any resource without an
authenticated and authorised cookie, etc.
To prevent
XSS, the application must sanitise the ____________.
Input before taking it from the user
Output before giving it to the user
HTTP headers
Answer: B.
Output before giving it to the user
XSS vulnerability happens due to
improper/missing output sanitisation hence to protect from it, applications
must remove/encode special characters like ‘ “ < > / -- ! ; before giving
output to the users. This is called output encoding.
What is
meant by Preventing from exploitation of “Components with known
Make sure all installed 3rd party components are regularly
updated and patched
Make sure all installed 3rd party
components are regularly updated and patched.
about the audit part in a VAPT report consist of which of the following?
Vulnerabilities per category
Scan start and end date and time
Vulnerabilities per assets
All of the above
Statistics about the audit part contains
important numbers like total number of vulnerabilities in various categories
like critical, severe, moderate, low with some general color coding like
critical is generally dark red, severe is orange moderate is yellow and low is
curating a VAPT report, the recommendation part should contain information
about which of the following?
Explaining each step you did to perform the hack
Tools required to exploit the vulnerability
Impact caused by the flaw you discovered
Steps mentioning how to patch the flaw
In the recommendation part, you have to
explain how to patch the bug (generalised for all counts) and also provide
recommendations and good practices to avoid breaches.
links to reputed documents/blogs that explain the vulnerability, its impact and
prevention comes under the references part when producing a VAPT report.
The references section contains links to
reputed documents/blogs that explain the vulnerability, its impact and
prevention and also links to specific tutorials, blogs, tools, scripts,
exploits, etc. you used to confirm/exploit the vulnerability.
Kenny found
an SQL injection vulnerability while testing a website. So while curating a PoC
for the vulnerability he should mention the steps for the vulnerability in
which of these parts?
Exploit way
Observation part is a collection of slides
(per step) as a step by step guide to test the vulnerability with a valid PoC.
students get this answer correct at their first attempt
Impact part in a VAPT report should contain which of the following?
Scan started and end date and time
Steps mentioning how to patch the flaw
Loss caused by the vulnerability to the company
Business impact slide contains the
realistic and possible impact of the vulnerability along with proofs of
business impact (if available).
Here are a few bad practices we must avoid while writing a report:
- Avoid
any spelling and grammatical errors/mistakes.
- Do
not flood the report with too many irrelevant statistics.
- Do
not write the report from a hacker's perspective as you cannot expect the
reader to understand hacking concepts.
- Do
not use screenshots in which the details are not clearly visible. To solve
this issue, take multiple small screenshots of the same page instead of
taking an extremely big screenshot.
- Never
stretch images/screenshots that you are using in the report. Stretching
the images/screenshots will make them distorted. So, if you want to make
an image bigger, you can stretch it from the bottom right corner but not
too much.
- Don't
include and explain all the steps you did to get to the hack. In the
report include the steps like initial payload that acts as a PoC (like
showing the database name/version) and then show what all data you
extracted (like usernames and passwords etc.). The steps followed in the
middle are hacker centric and are not required in the report.
Which of the
following is a good practice to follow when curating a VAPT report?
Identify the difference between Observation and Business Impact
Many pentesters clearly don't know the
difference between Observation and Business Impact. Observation contains steps
followed to find the vulnerability and Business Impact contains what could
happen in case of a black hat hacker. So when producing a report you need to clearly
mention what is the business impact of the vulnerability you found and
Which of the
following is a bad practice to avoid when curating a VAPT report?
Take screenshots that contain relevant information
Writing the recommendation for the vulnerability you found
Spelling and grammatical mistakes and flooding it with too many
irrelevant statistics
While curating a VAPT report, a security
expert must avoid any grammatical errors and mistakes and also should not
include too many irrelevant statistics for the readers.
students get this answer correct at their first attempt
each step you did to get to the hack and writing the report from a hacker’s
perspective is considered as bad practice.
Even though mentioning each step you did is
a good thing to show in the report, you need to avoid submitting a very lengthy
and boring observation. Because when a developer is reading the observation or
POC he need to understand easily what and how the vulnerability occurs.
is one of the best pro tips you need to keep in mind while generating a VAPT
Highlight key areas with red boxes in a screenshot
Add Video PoCs for complicated attacks
Convert the report to PDF for cross compatibility
All of the above
Following are some of the pro tips you need
to consider when producing a report. Use a good theme, sdd video PoCs for complicated
attacks, highlight key areas with red boxes in a screenshot to make it easier
for the reader to understand, add complete HTTP requests for the attack so that
the reader can replicate the bug easily using Burp suite, etc.
Question 1 1 Mark
Which of the following is a good practice to follow when curating a VAPT
Take full-screen screenshots showing the entire browser.
Refer to the links in recommendations instead of explaining them.
Put all the screenshots especially the ones that shows how you found a
Highlight/Bold the
important things and use red boxes to help the reader focus on the important
parts of screenshots.
Correct Answer: D. Highlight/Bold the important
things and use red boxes to help the reader focus on the important parts of
While presenting a
report, one of the best practice is to bold important things like payloads,
parameters or anything that needs to catch the eye of the reader. You must use
red boxes in screenshots to highlight the important parts. Reference links must
be put in reference section and not in recommendations. Screenshots should only
contain relevant part of the screen instead of the entire window.
Question 2 1 Mark
Writing a report from a hacker's perspective is the best way to convey
your bug findings.
Correct Answer: B. False
Writing a report
from a hacker's perspective is a ‘Big No’. You cannot expect the reader to
understand the hacking concepts. You need to write a report in such a way that
the developer can understand it easily and patch it. This means putting
screenshots of how you found a bug is not required while how you exploited it
and what data it’s leaking is important.
Question 3 1 Mark
Which of the following is a bad practice to avoid when curating a VAPT
Use the standard format for colors, font, and formatting.
Take screenshots of small regions of the screen instead of one big
Use references like OWASP, SecurityFocus, CVEdetails, Wiki, etc.
screenshots so that they fit the slide.
Correct Answer: D. Stretching screenshots so
that they fit the slide.
Never stretch the
images you put in the report. They will get distorted and will look ugly. If
you want to make an image bigger, stretch it from the bottom right corner, that
too, not too much.
Question 4 1 Mark
The reference part in a VAPT report should contain?
Scan Start and End Date Time.
The impact caused by the flaw you discovered.
Recommendations on how to fix the bug.
Links to reputed
documents/blogs that explain the vulnerability.
Correct Answer: D. Links to reputed
documents/blogs that explain the vulnerability.
Providing links to
reputed documents/blogs that explain the vulnerability, its impact and
prevention comes under the references part when producing a report.
Question 5 1 Mark
Let's say if you find an IDOR vulnerability in a website. So, while
curating a VAPT report ___________should be added.
screenshot of Google dork using which you have found the URL
screenshot of the Burp Intruder settings
screenshot of the extracted details
screenshot of the
intruder result
Correct Answer: C. screenshot of the extracted
When submitting
IDOR vulnerability report, you need to mention the details explaining extracted
details, recommendation, business impact, and reference. But this should not
include the steps you took to find the bug as they are irrelevant. The reader
only has to know which URL and parameter were affected, how you exploited it
(no screenshots of the tools you have used) and what all details you were able
to extract.
Question 6 1 Mark
Index part in VAPT report should contain ________________ information.
a welcome page of the report that contains a title containing Logo of
your organisation
loss caused by the vulnerability to the company
tools required to exploit the vulnerability
a table having
vulnerability name and count
Correct Answer: D. a table having vulnerability
name and count
An Index is a
simple table that contains following information - S.no, Vulnerability Name,
Criticality, and Count.
Question 7 1 Mark
Observation part in a VAPT report should contain ______________
loss caused by the vulnerability to the company
links to reputed documents/blogs that explain the vulnerability
the impact caused by the flaw you discovered
each step you did
to perform the hack
Correct Answer: D. each step you did to perform
the hack
Observation is a
collection of slides (per step). It acts as a step by step guide to test the
vulnerability with a valid PoC.
Question 8 1 Mark
Which of the following is a key part of a detailed developer level
Detailed business impact with proofs of all kind of information you
extracted during the exploitation
Observations containing step by step explanation and outcome of
References about the vulnerability including the links explaining the
vulnerability, the patches, and the impact
All of the above
None of the above
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
A detailed
developer level report helps the developer that where exactly is the bug, how
to confirm if it is getting exploited, the proof of damage/data leakage, it’s business
impact along with the guidelines on how to fix the vulnerability and some
reference links that explains more about the vulnerability, its impact, and the
Question 9 1 Mark
Detailed Business impact with proofs of all kind of information you
extracted during the exploitation and information summarizes everything a
hacker can do if an attack happens. These are some of the key points in High
Level Management Summary report:
Correct Answer: A. True
The In-charge for
the security operations of a company mainly needs to know the business impact
of the bug, how it can be used to affect the organisation and its customers.
Also, he needs to get an overview of the security status of the
application/organisation in general.
Question 10 1 Mark
A PoC in ethical hacking is a collection of evidence like screenshots,
videos, and HTTP requests along with a sequence of steps that were used to test
and exploit a loophole.
Correct Answer: A. True
A PoC in ethical
hacking is a collection of evidence like screenshots, videos, and HTTP requests
along with a sequence of steps that were used to test and exploit a loophole.
These steps must be explained in such a way that a technical person like a
developer should be able to follow the steps and replicate the same
vulnerability at his own end. A PoC can be in any format like pptx, text file,
or a video.
Question 11 1 Mark
Making mute videos and using text editors to type instructions and
taking the screenshots of every step is an important tip while taking a PoC.
Correct Answer: A. True
When generating a
PoC there are many important things to consider like taking relevant
screenshots with only required region, making mute videos and using text
editors to type instructions and writing down every step of your process in
your text editor (information you found, vulnerabilities, interesting
blogs/links that you read to find the vulnerability, links to automated
scripts/exploits you found online, data you found after exploiting everything).
Question 12 1 Mark
Client Side validation flaws can be prevented by:
Implementing all critical checks on the server side code only
Client-side checks must be treated as decoratives only
Implementing and checking all business logic on the server code
All of the above
Correct Answer: D. All of the above
Client Side
validation flaws can be prevented by implementing critical checks on the server
side code, treating client-side checks as decoratives only, implementing and
checking all the business logic on the server code. This includes user input,
the flow of applications and even the URL/Modules a user is supposed to access
or not.
Question 13 1 Mark
Cross Site Request Forgery can be prevented by:
Implementing randomized tokens in each form
Implementing all critical checks on the server side code only
Implementing proper authentication and authorisation checks at every
function to make sure that the user requesting access to a resource (whether to
view or edit) is his/her own data and no one else’s
All of the above
Correct Answer: A. Implementing randomized
tokens in each form
To prevent CSRF,
all critical actions must be either password protected or should happen with
randomised tokens called CSRF tokens. All requests must first check and make
sure that the request is coming from the website itself and not some third
party page.
Question 14 1 Mark
Arbitrary File Uploads vulnerability can be patched by:
Implementing all critical checks on the server side code only
Implementing and checking all business logic on the server code
Performing proper server-side validations on what kind of file a user is
uploading and using static file hosting servers like CDNs and File Clouds to
store files
None of the above
Correct Answer: C. Performing proper server-side
validations on what kind of file a user is uploading and using static file
hosting servers like CDNs and File Clouds to store files
Arbitrary File
Uploads happens when applications do not implement proper file type checking
and allow uploading files other than what should be. Example: Uploading a PHP
file instead of a jpeg profile picture. These type of flaws can be prevented by
performing proper server-side validations on the kind of file a user is
uploading, using white lists filters instead of black list filters. Example: In
case of a resume upload feature, instead of banning PHP and EXE files, allow
only pdf, doc and docx files. Rename the files using code so that the hacker
cannot play around with file names. Use static file hosting servers like CDNs
and File Clouds to store files instead of storing them on the application
server itself.
Question 15 1 Mark
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability can be prevented by Performing proper
output encoding of special characters like < > “
Correct Answer: A. True
Cross Site
Scripting happens when the user controlled input is reflected somewhere else in
an HTML page and is not encoded/sanitised properly. This allows a hacker to
inject HTML code in the affected page. So, the fix is to make sure that any
input which is taken from a user, when being written into an HTTP response
should be cleaned first like performing proper output encoding of special
characters like < > “ ‘
For example, before printing untrusted user-supplied data into an HTML
response, convert special characters into HTML encoding (< > " etc)
or URL encode them (%3C %3E %22 %27).
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